Cross promoting and suggestive selling are strategies that successful affiliate marketers use regularly to increase their income. That being said, you may want to learn more about them and employ these tactics within your own marketing plan.

What do cross promoting and suggestive selling entail?

The terms ‘cross promoting’ and ‘suggestive selling’ can be used interchangeably. The idea is to offer your existing customer products or services that complement the purchase they have already made. Your suggestions may lead to more sales, and thus more commissions for you.

In order to effectively use the cross promoting and suggestive selling technique, it is important for you to carefully consider the needs of your customers. Take some time to think about what would compliment the products that your customers are already buying. What could you suggest to them that would help them in the use or mastery of the product or service you’ve already sold them?

If you are currently promoting a product such as a training course on how to build a list, perhaps you could cross promote a product such as a PLR Report or ready-made squeeze pages. Both of these will help them to do what they are trying to do – build their list. You wouldn’t suggest a product on publishing an Ebook on Amazon to these people. That isn’t what they have come to you for help with.

On the other hand, if you are currently promoting products on how to become a bestseller on Amazon, you could suggest additional products that teach better writing skills, how to design an amazing Ebook cover, or how to promote their book once it is listed. See how this works?

Where do you find products to cross promote?

You don’t have to own every product that you sell or cross promote. JVZoo has a wide selection of quality products for you to choose from in our Product Library.  You can search for products by keyword or by category, or you can check out our Featured Product list to see what’s hot right now!



As with all things pertaining to your marketing strategy, pay attention to what your customers respond to and make adjustments as necessary. Do your research on all products and services that you suggest to those who look to you for guidance on what to buy. As you continue to recommend things that help to solve the problems faced by those on your list their trust in you will grow and so will your income.

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