We would like to thank everyone who submitted their pictures as entries to our Premium User iPad Contest. We have enjoyed seeing you sporting your JVZoo swag and celebrating all of your accomplishments! Your hard work and determination have led to your outstanding success and JVZoo is proud to be a part of that. Congratulations to all of you for jobs well done!

Now, it is time to announce the winner of our Premium User iPad Contest!

Drum Roll Please…..

Please help us congratulate Danny & Kimberly de Vries on their win!

Danny and Kimberly are a husband and wife team who fully embraced the spirit of the Premium User iPad contest. They made it a point to consistently share pictures on social media wearing their JVZoo T-shirts and showing their JVZoo Pride and Accomplishment.

So much so that we thought it was possible that they simply wore their T-shirts every day throughout the duration of the contest! Or, at least maybe Danny did!

And, of course, who could resist those baby pictures!

It is our pleasure to award Danny and Kimberly with a brand new iPad as a token of our thanks and appreciation for participating in the contest.

Congratulations on all of your success, on being JVZoo Premium Users and for being chosen as the winners of the iPad contest!

We look forward to seeing all of your future accomplishments!

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