A Note From JVZoo’s CEO, Laura Casselman:
🏆 High-Performance JVZoo Leaders
JVZoo is proud to update our Leaderboard with those currently in the running for the TOP TEN in each category of Vendors and Affiliates for 2017.
The numbers are close and over the last two months, we’ve seen some shifting. In particular, Brett Ingram rose from the 15th spot on the Vendors Leaderboard to the 9th during November.
The most shuffles in rank have happened on the Affiliate Leaderboard with Todd Gross and Sam Bakker nearly tied for the second spot.
Viddyoze, Paul Ponna, Michael Cheney, Ankur Shukla, Luke Maguire, Explaindio LLC, Alfredo Delgado, Walter Bayliss, Brett Ingram, Chad Nicely, Dan Anton, DrAmit Pareek, VideoRemix, Memeplex Limited, Cyril Maithily Gupta, Sean Donahoe, Ben Murray, Joshua Zamora, Richard Madison, YouZign, Brad Stephens, e-Business4usINC., Brett Rutecky, Mario Brown.
Asaftei Sorin, Todd Gross, Sam Bakker, Andrew Darius, Viddyoze, Martin Crumlish, Promote Labs, Karthik Ramani, Ben Murray, Richard Fairbairn, Mike from Maine, Brett Rutecky, Cyril Maithily Gupta, Joshua Zamora, Paul Ponna, Venkata Ramana, Ray Lane, DrAmit Pareek, Matt Bush, Ben Martin, Abhi Dwivedi, Igor Burban, John Thornhill, Neil Napier, Anthony Aires, Mario Brown, Simon Disney, Sean Donahoe.
We’re in the home stretch as December is the FINAL month to make it onto the 2017 JVZoo Leaderboard.
The next announcement will be our 2017 WINNERS.
Best of luck to you all.
Have a great day,
Laura and The JVZoo Team