August 19 , 2024

It almost sounds like someone watched Ocean’s 11 too many times.

Four former law enforcement and military officers have been accused of conducting a sham raid on a California businessman’s home in 2019 and forcing him to sign away rights to his business worth tens of millions of dollars, according to federal prosecutors.

The operation was financed by the man’s business partner after years of disputes over the company that included three lawsuits in China and one in Atlanta. In December 2018, the unindicted co-conspirator allegedly contacted one of the former officers to put an end to the dispute.

However, what they ended up with could be 20 years maximum in a Federal penitentiary.

In Today’s Issue of the DailyZoo:

  • Find Success In Affiliate Marketing.

  • Get Ready To Cancel Those Unused Subscriptions!

  • JPMorgan Injects AI For Its Employees.

  • Is Stress Your Secret Superpower?

Let’s get into it.


Five Key Strategies For Success In Affiliate Marketing

In a world teeming with distractions and fleeting attention spans, navigating the ever-changing landscape of business demands ingenuity and fresh approaches to catch the eye of potential customers. Enter affiliate marketing, a 21st-century phenomenon that has taken the digital realm by storm. But this isn’t a simple sign-up-and-share-links gig. To conquer the world of affiliate marketing and earn your stripes as a successful affiliate marketer, you need more than just enthusiasm. Here are five tips that will set you on the path to victory.

  1. Choose the Right Niche: Find Your Passion and Demand
    First things first, your niche matters—a lot. It’s not about randomly selecting a field; it’s about choosing something you’re passionate about or knowledgeable in. Why? Because promoting products you’re familiar with allows you to craft compelling content and genuinely connect with your audience. Picture this: You’re a Digital marketing influencer; why not promote SEO products? You already know the ropes, and your audience trusts your digital marketing advice.

  2. Build Your Audience: Trust is Your Best Ally
    Your audience is the backbone of your affiliate marketing success. To thrive, you must cultivate a tribe that trusts your word. This journey begins with consistent, high-quality content on social media, blogs, or email. Don’t be the pushy salesperson; be the friendly expert who educates and then subtly slides in the sales pitch.

  3. Choose the Right Affiliate Partner: Proven Success is Key
    Selecting the right affiliate program is paramount. Ask for case studies and seek partners with a track record of success. Ensure the program aligns with your niche and audience, boasts a fair commission rate, and offers top-notch products or services. Pay attention to terms and conditions, too—no need to rush; the right partner is worth the wait.

  4. Promote Products Strategically: Don’t Chase High Commissions
    Strategic promotion trumps chasing high commissions. Focus on products that resonate with your audience. Craft reviews, tutorials, or how-to guides. Leverage social media, press, and email marketing to broaden your reach. A nod from a major publication can elevate your brand’s credibility.

  5. Track and Analyze Your Results: Data is Your North Star
    Lastly, track and analyze your results diligently. Monitor clicks, conversions, and earnings from your affiliate links. Tools like Google Analytics or JVZoo affiliate marketing network’s reporting tools are your allies. Armed with insights, fine-tune your strategies to promote products that bring home the bacon.

In a nutshell, affiliate marketing offers online income potential, but it’s no walk in the park. It demands dedication, patience, and savvy strategies. By selecting the right niche, nurturing your audience’s trust, choosing reliable partners, promoting products smartly, and meticulously analyzing your results, you’ll pave your way to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.


Get Your Ticket to Funnel Hacking Live INTERNATIONAL

Funnel Hacking LIVE INTERNATIONAL is happening—and for the first time ever, we’re bringing it straight to your home.

That’s right, no need for flights, hotels, or travel headaches. This year, Russell wanted to make sure EVERYONE could be a part of it, especially after seeing the incredible turnout from the international community at the last event.

And here’s where it gets even better…

Russell slashed the price to a fraction of what it normally costs. Right now, you can secure your virtual seat for just $97 (yes, you read that right!)—giving you front-row access to 4 days of pure business-building gold.

This year’s event is focused on taking your business to “the next level.”

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re ready to scale from 6-figures to 7, 8, or even 9…

We’ve got the blueprint you need.


White House Wants to Refunds and Cancellations Easier

We’ve all had to deal with that headache. You’ve got a subscription service for something that you haven’t even used in months, but now that you want to cancel you’re having to spend an inordinate amount of time figuring out how to. The support agent isn’t helping, and finding where in your profile to even begin the process takes a literal Sherlock Holmes to deduce.

Or you ordered something online, and when it came it was the wrong size. You keep trying to get in touch with someone, but it almost seems like they’re avoiding you. Before you know it, the refund window has passed and you’re stuck.

Well, the White House wants to make things like that easier.

The Biden Administration revealed a new, multi-agency regulatory initiative to target corporate practices that officials claim are designed to waste consumers’ time and burden them with red tape all in order to increase profits.

It’s being referred to as the “Time Is Money” initiative, and what they want to put in place will make it easier for consumers to cancel subscriptions, get refunds, submit health care and insurance forms online, and access high-quality customer service.

“In all of these practices, the companies are delaying services to you, or really trying to make it so difficult for you to cancel the service, that they get to hold on to your money for longer and longer,” said White House domestic policy advisor Neera Tanden.

One of the major new initiatives is a series of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) rulemakings, that are taking aim at customer service “doom loops” and ineffective chatbots used by some financial institutions.

JPMorgan Invests In AI For Its Employees

JPMorgan Chase has decided to roll out a generative artificial intelligence assistant to tens of thousands of its employees looking to inject technology into its business further.

They’re calling their new program LLM Suite, and it is now available to more than 60,000 employees according to the financial giant. The focus of this program is to help employees with tasks like writing emails and generating their reports. JPMorgan says they expect the software to be as ubiquitous within the bank as the videoconferencing program Zoom.

LLM Suite is not something that JPMorgan has developed, it is designed as a portal so that their employees can access external large language models which are the programs that underpin the AI tools you know and love like ChatGPT. Currently, LLM Suite has launched with ChatGPT’s LLM.

“Ultimately, we’d like to be able to move pretty fluidly across models depending on the use cases. The plan is not to be beholden to any one model provider,” said Teresa Heitsenrether, JPMorgan’s chief data and analytics officer.

This move is just a testament to how quickly generative AI technology has made its way into American businesses as a tool. Morgan Stanley, a rival bank, has already released a pair of its own OpenAI-powered tools for its financial advisors, and tech giant Apple is already integrating OpenAI models into the operating systems of its consumer devices.

Many have called this the “Cognitive Revolution”, in which many tasks that were done by workers will be automated, is being hailed as important as the advent of electricity, though it may be too early to tell if that is the case currently.


  • China has come out in support of Iran in its intent to defend itself after the assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. Iran stated that the strike had violated Iran’s sovereignty.

  • In the aftermath of the Champlain Towers collapse in 2021, new laws are taking aim at Florida condos that could force owners to pay millions in repairs to help prevent another collapse.

  • Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has passed away at the age of 56 from lung cancer. One of the most prominent women in tech, she joined Google in 1999 as one of the first employees of the web search leader.


Embrace the Hustle: Good Stress, Your Secret Superpower

You’ve probably been told a thousand times that stress is a silent killer.

However, sometimes it might be just the thing to push you further than you’ve been before. Dr. Richard Shelton has blown the lid off stress, and as it turns out, it’s not always the bad guy we thought it was. Say hello to good stress, or, as the hip crowd calls it, eustress. It’s that electrifying jolt you get when life throws you a curveball, like starting a family or tackling a new job head-on. Good stress? Who knew?

Stress, Your Brain’s Bestie.

Feeling the pressure? Fear not, because your brain is here to save the day. Stress hits the turbo button, releasing brain-boosting chemicals that transform you into a mental ninja. It’s like your neurons just chugged a double espresso and are ready to conquer the world. 

Immune System: Stress’s Sidekick

Surprise! Stress temporarily turns you into an immune superhero on steroids. Your body senses danger and deploys its immune warriors, the interleukins, to shield you from harm. Stress might just be your body’s way of saying, “Not today, germs!”

Toughen Up with Stress

Stressed out? Don’t sweat it; instead, embrace it. Stress is your mind’s Navy SEAL training, making you resilient and unbreakable. Life’s curveballs won’t knock you down; you’ll tackle them like a pro.

Stress as Your Motivational Coach

Deadlines looming? Stress can be your trusty sidekick, propelling you to greatness. Instead of folding under pressure, you’ll rise to the challenge and conquer it like a champ.

In a nutshell, stress isn’t always the villain, but letting it overstay its welcome can be. If you’re still wrestling with stress, talk to a professional who can help you harness its superpowers. Embrace the hustle, and let good stress light your path to success!


Your Money Map

Here are some helpful links to get you started today. Check your sales, find new products to promote and win excellent products and cash!

JVZoo: login to your JVZoo account here.

Top Sellers: see the best selling products on JVZoo today

Affiliate Contest: win cash and cool prizes by promoting these affiliate products

Marketplace:  Browse the JVZoo Marketplace to find great products and helpful tool.

Quote of the Day

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