Premium User, Michael Cheney, is an accomplished Internet Marketer and a long-time JVZoo User. His flagship program, 7-Figure Franchise, is highly successful and has given Affiliates the opportunity to make excellent online income via affiliate commissions. With almost 20 years of online marketing experience under his belt, Mr. Cheney has a wealth of knowledge to tap into. Today, you have the chance to pick his brain with us in the following interview:

JVZoo: Let’s start with some easy questions. What is your preference? Email Marketing or Social Media Marketing?

MC: Email marketing every time. I send 3 emails a day and make around $100k a month doing so. Social for show, email for dough.

JVZoo: Wallet or Money Clip?

MC: Wallet because I’ve yet to find a money clip big enough to suit my needs…

JVZoo: Hot tub or hot springs?

MC: Hot tub because less chance of monkeys joining you.

JVZoo: What prompted you to begin your internet marketing career?

MC: Fell in love with the internet in the 90s and always wanted to work in it. Then the evil of working a 9 to 5 job in cubicle-hell made me realize IM was the way to go. Been doing IM since 2000 and never looked back.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

MC: Sell more via email right from the get-go. I used to pussyfoot around giving tons of free stuff away hoping people would like me and buy from me later. That sucks. Just sell. Do it right and the sales messages themselves become the value and entertainment.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

MC: Grossing over $3 Million on JVZoo and being awarded the #2 bestseller there in 2017 from over 500,000 affiliates and vendors. That was pretty neat.

JVZoo: What is the #1 thing you would recommend people do today on JVZoo?

MC: Search for my flagship program 7-Figure Franchise and buy it.

JVZoo: Where can we find you online?


JVZoo: Thank you for taking the time to share with us today and congratulations on all your success so far! We look forward to seeing more great things from you in the future!

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Disclaimer: The information presented on this Website is intended to be for your educational and entertainment purposes only.

Where income figures are mentioned (if any), those income figures are anecdotal information passed on to us concerning the results achieved by the individual sharing the information. We have performed no independent verification of the statements made by those individuals. Please do not assume that you will make those same income figures.

Please do not construe any statement on this website as a claim or representation of average earnings. There are NO average earnings. Testimonials and statements of individuals are not to be construed as claims or representations of average earnings. We cannot, do not, and will not make any claims as to earnings, average, or otherwise.


    • Aigars Vasiljevs

      Bigest marketing wath jvzoo could make 😀 how much money do you rised selling this stuff ? 😀

    • Bijan Amid

      Please let me know how I could join JVZOO and if there are any upfront fees involved or not

      Thank you,

      Bijan Amid

      • JVZoo Staff Writer

        No, there are no up-front fees. Simply create visit and create your free account! 🙂

    • jim

      Can I promote Michael Chaneys products as an affiliate?

      • JVZoo Staff Writer

        You may certainly request to! Simply log in to your JVZoo account and request to do so!

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