Sometimes you don’t start out with a plan to become a full-time Affiliate Marketer.

Sometimes, as was the case with JVZoo Premium Seller Neil Napier, you begin out of necessity in order to reach certain financial goals.

And when that ‘side-gig’ turns out to be very profitable and gives you the ability to make a substantial amount of money with an email list?

Well, then you’ve got the makings of a success story like the one told below.

You may know Neil for products such as PixelModo, EmailRamp & AutoWebinar X, but today you’ll also learn his greatest success since beginning his Affiliate Marketing career and why he recommends being active in the JVZoo Community.

Keep reading to learn more about Neil Napier and if you’d like to be featured on our blog and social media channels too, simply fill out this Interview Request Form.

Now, on to the interview.

JVZoo: Let’s start with some easy questions: Birds or Fish?

NP: Fish, because they live in a beautiful place.

JVZoo: Recorded Webinar or Facebook Live?

NP: Facebook Live – It’s easier to see the engagement and get even more excited.

JVZoo: Lemonade or Iced Tea?

NP: Lemonade on a warm, sunny day. There’s nothing better.

JVZoo: What prompted you to begin your Internet Marketing Career?

NP: It was more out of necessity. I had to hit certain income goals, so I started marketing on the side.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

NP: I would be more confident about creating longer-term assets, even if they don’t pay a lot immediately.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

NP: Generating $40,000 in commissions with a brand new list of 4000 people.

JVZoo: What is the #1 thing you would recommend people do on JVZoo today?

NP: Interact with the community. People look out for each other.

JVZoo: Where can we find you online?

NP: &

JVZoo: Anything else you’d like to add?

NP: Thank you for this opportunity!

Are you interested in being interviewed and featured on our blog and social media channels?

We’d love to share your story, insights, and advice!

Let us know by filling out this form and we will be in contact with you soon!

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