Today we’re very excited to announce PayCafe as the newest payment option in JVZoo. Not only is this a great way to process payments with a low industry leading fee of just 3.5%… PayCafe also gives you never before seen options for minimizing refunds and combatting chargebacks.

Even better… PayCafe can also act as the Merchant of Record on your behalf. This can be a lot more effective and safer than the usual way of letting the network do so. To show you why…

We’ve done an exclusive interview with the CEO of PayCafe. Watch the video below to see how they can help you not only make more sales, but also keep more of the profit in your pocket, where it belongs. 

This new update is phase 1 and right now all members residing in the US or Canada or with businesses registered in those countries are eligible for the Merchant of Record service. Phase 2 with access for members and businesses in the UK and EU is coming very soon.

We hope you’ll enjoy the new addition of PayCafe, it’s already live inside JVZoo. Log in to check it out and start using it to make more sales today.

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