Super October Leaderboard

Can you believe we’re already at the halfway point of the Super October competition?

Time sure flies when you’re having fun!

Have you checked out the leaderboard lately?

Lots of Movers & Shakers on there!

Right now, in the Affiliate category, Sorin Asaftei and Todd Gross hold first and second place with Jamie Ohler just a few good sales behind in 3rd.

Syed Akram, Sam Bakker, Jai Sharma, Jono Armstrong, and Victory Akpomedaye are holding their own as well.

In the Seller category, Luke Maguire is sitting pretty in First Place. Saaransh and the team consisting of Brett Ingram & Mo Latiff are battling for the #2 spot.

Not far behind are AnimationStudio, Gaurab Borah, Brett Rutecky and Abhi Dwivedi.

At this point, it’s still anyone’s guess who will come out as the First Place Superhero!

It’s certainly been an exciting two weeks as everyone fights for those top positions & their chance at taking home some Exclusive Merchandise & Cash Prizes just in time for the holidays!

Here are the current standings:

Affiliate Leaderboard:

  1. Sorin Asaftei
  2. Todd Gross
  3. Jamie Ohler Dropmock
  4. Syed Akram
  5. Sam Bakker
  6. Jai Sharma
  7. Jono Armstrong
  8. Victory Akpomedaye
  9. Mike McKay
  10. Paul Ponna
  11. Igor Burban
  12. Dr Amit Pareek
  13. Simon Warner
  14. Cyril M Gupta
  15. Richard Fairbairn

Seller Leaderboard:

  1. Luke Maguire
  2. Brett Ingram | Mo Latif
  3. Saaransh
  4. AnimationStudio
  5. Gaurab Borah
  6. Brett Rutecky
  7. Abhi Dwivedi [Vega6]
  8. Able Chika
  9. Engaged Marketing Media
  10. RTB Solution
  11. Han Fan
  12. Maulana Malik
  13. Brad Stephens
  14. Michael Cheney
  15. Trading Strategy Guides

We’ve still got two more weeks to go, though, so keep checking back as these positions are constantly changing!

Looking for something new to promote to give you that extra boost towards the top?

Check out some of these launches coming up:

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