As you know, we are constantly working hard to help you make more sales and earn more money with JVZoo.

And when it comes to selling more… There are some very important numbers every online marketer needs to understand.

  • 65% of your sales will come from existing customers (Small Business Trends
  • Existing customers are 50% more likely to try out your new products. (Neil Patel
  • 80% of your future profits will come from just 20% of your existing customers. (Customer Thermometer)

In other words the easiest way to make more sales is to keep your current customers happy and to make it quick and easy for them to buy more of your products.

That’s why we are very excited to announce a complete overhaul of the JVZoo customer portal,  where all your customers will log in to access their products and downloads. 

First of all the new design is much cleaner, making it a lot easier for people to find the purchase they are looking for.


We have added a few extra features such as the ability to filter out refunded purchases and to download your purchase history (handy for taxes and bookkeeping).

The details for an individual purchase have also been redesigned and it’s now easier than ever for your customers to find everything they need.

Including easy access to rate you as a vendor and prominent links for some of your other products.

Now while these changes might seem small, we are certain that they could have a big impact on your bottom line.

Making it easy for your customers to find their links and other information will keep them happy.

It will also reduce the amount of support tickets and emails you receive.

And as you just saw… Happy customers will return to buy more and we’ll make sure they always have quick access to all your other products, now and in the future.

These changes are live right now and if you have made any purchases through JVZoo in the past, you can log in right now to see the brand new customer portal.


    1 Response to "These people buy 65% of your products and this new feature will keep them happy"

    • Amin

      Hey there,
      Nice features included in the new update, the access to rate as vendor is really necessary these days. Plus, it will help new customers trust more easily.
      Wish you more success,

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