How was 2018?

Ready for 2019??

Even if 2018 was your best year EVER, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t strive for bigger and better in the New Year.

So, how to do that?

Here are a few tips from the uber-successful:

  • Check your numbers. Compare last year to this year. Perhaps even the year before. What worked? (Do more of this!) What didn’t work in 2018? (Obviously, stop doing that!)
  • What are you most proud in terms of what you achieved, accomplished or brought into being this year – in life and work? Look back through your calendar to be sure you didn’t forget anything that happened early in the year.
  • What did these achievements or actions, in turn, make possible – for you, your family, your organization, your financial situation, your health and well-being, and for others? Why did they matter so much to you?
  • What event or experience represented the “worst” of the year, and why exactly? What went wrong that you would change if you face something similar in the future?
  • What priorities did you neglect or turn your back on?
  • And finally: What are your dreams and goals for the New Year? Put them in writing. Put them in a note on your phone. Put them in a vision board to put on the wall of your office. Look at them and revise them often!

The main reason to answer all of these questions is to figure out how can you use this information for the new year.

If your business did not move forward like you wanted it to, maybe you need a reboot. Or perhaps just a new way of looking at things.

If you haven’t checked out JVZoo’s Free Training Series, take a few minutes (Really! That’s all it takes!) to give yourself a fresh perspective.

Other JVZoo Highlights in 2018:

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