Content marketing and SEO are some of the most impactful ways to increase your affiliate sales. By creating blog posts that are SEO optimized, you can generate thousands of visitors per month for free to your affiliate posts on your website. Doing this for all the products and services in your niche can generate thousands of dollars per month in affiliate revenue. There are a variety of ways to make affiliate sales with content marketing and SEO. Below are the top three ways you can get started today.  

Publish blog posts

While there are many marketing tactics you can use to promote affiliate products, using content marketing and SEO is one of the best ways to increase affiliate traffic and revenue. Content marketing is often the first tactic affiliate marketers try to use because you can target keywords with purchase intent from Google. When you use tools like Ahrefs, you can use data to estimate how much volume a certain keyword has and you can create content with affiliate links around that keyword. 

With content marketing, you should aim to target lower difficulty keywords that are monetizable in your niche. This includes keywords that include “best”, “review”, etc. For example, if you’re in the dentistry niche, you can write a blog post on the best braces or the best braces colors

As you can see from the keyword research above, it’s a fairly easy keyword to rank for and there are nearly 7,000 monthly searches for it. You can also see that the cost per click (CPC) is $8.00. This is because these searchers are ready to make a purchase. If you create an in-depth list of best braces colors, you have a good chance of ranking in the top search results and getting thousands of page views to your affiliate blog post. 

You can explore keyword research with tools like Ahrefs to find the best keyword opportunities for your niche and you can create content around that and add affiliate links in your posts. Make sure that the keywords you’re writing about have an easy to medium difficulty and there’s a pretty good chance you’ll rank for them on Google. In addition to doing proper keyword research, you should also follow good on-page SEO practices to help you rank better for search phrases.


Build backlinks to your reviews

In addition to writing good content to get traffic to your affiliate reviews, you also need to build backlinks. Backlinks are an extremely important ranking factor on Google and without them it’ll be difficult to rank for any competitive affiliate keywords. You can use tools like Ahrefs to see how difficult a keyword is to rank for and plan how many backlinks you’ll need to get to the top 3 positions. The higher the quality of backlinks you get to your reviews, the more impact that backlink will have on your Google rankings. Additionally, getting backlinks will help your blog post get indexed faster by Google. 

You can obtain backlinks to your site by doing guest posts, doing backlink outreach, using platforms like HARO and more. Getting your backlink acquisition off the ground is the most difficult part, but once you get your first few backlinks, you’ll find a system that works best for you. It’s recommended to start building backlinks to low difficulty keywords to get the most impact for each backlink you build. The average backlink costs about $291.55, so they are an extremely valuable tool to use in getting more affiliate sales. 

Leverage an email list

Utilizing an email list is one of the best long-term affiliate marketing channels. With most mediums like YouTube, social media, etc, you do not own the platform. Even if you spent years building an audience there, you can end up losing your account due to a variety of reasons. Email lists are one of the very few channels that affiliate marketers own and can do as they please. With email lists, you can funnel the customers from your online business to your email and provide value to your subscribers and add affiliate links in your emails.

Email lists in particular are extremely advantageous for affiliate marketing because they use a lot of the advantages of email marketing. The actual overhead of email marketing campaigns is extremely low and this means a higher profit margin for affiliate marketers. Many studies have shown that email marketing is one of the highest ROI marketing channels for all businesses. In fact, for every $1 invested into email marketing, the average return is $36. 

There are a lot of tools a marketer can use to maximize their affiliate revenue with email marketing. First, a marketer can use segmentation in their email list to categorize email subscribers based on their interest and preferences. These segments can be used to market affiliate products that are specifically targeted to those email subscribers. Additionally, personalizing your emails will help increase affiliate sales. By using your subscribers’ information like their names, interests, etc., you can build a more personal relationship and gain trust. Instead of just promoting a random affiliate product, your emails will help serve the needs of your email subscribers. 


Writer Bio – 

Ali Ali is a content marketer and blogger at
When he’s not guest posting, you can find him link building and learning about technical aspects of SEO. He can be reached at .

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