If you have created your own product, whether a tangible or digital product, you might be considering how best to sell it. One popular option is to use a platform such as JVZoo in order to sell through affiliates. The affiliates will do much of the selling for you, which allows you to earn more sales but also lets the affiliates earn money in the process. They want to sell more because you are offering a percentage of each sale in commissions.

Here are 4 benefits of having affiliates sell your product for you:

You Have the Potential For More Sales

First of all, when you create a product, you want to sell as much as possible. When you do all the selling on your own, you are limited to the people you can personally reach. However, when you go through affiliates, they probably have large email lists full of proven buyers and other people to promote to. Each affiliate is going to have their own set of people that might be interested in the type of product you have to sell. If, on your own, you only have a reach of 10,000 people, you might reach 100,000 people by choosing the right affiliates. This allows you to get a lot more sales by having a larger number of people not just selling, but looking at your sales page and considering your product.

You Can Save Money on Advertising

Also consider the fact that you are saving a lot of money on advertising. Many product creators are hesitant to use affiliates because those affiliates are earning a commission on the product. You should remember, though, that you are getting a lot more sales from them, and their promotions are helping you save money on advertising. If you count on affiliates for most of the advertising, they are going to spend the money on promoting, not you. The commission is entirely up to you, between 10% and even 100% of the front end. Consider a higher commission to encourage more affiliates to sell your product.

You Free Up more Time to Create More Products

In addition to saving on advertising costs and getting more sales with an affiliate product, you are also freeing up more time. Once you release a product, you will be responsible for customer service and managing the social media pages and blog posts, but the actual selling is done by others. This means you aren’t worrying about conversions, sending emails to subscribers, creating Facebook ads, and doing any number of other things to promote your products. You can then use all that extra time to work on the product creation part of your business and recruiting more affiliates who will keep selling more for you.

You Can Get More Traffic to Other Products Through the Affiliates

While the commission you give your affiliates might be rather high and it seems like you are losing money, think about the fact that many of the people referred to this product will also take notice of other products you have to offer. This is actually one of the main reasons people use affiliates. Those customers might like the product they purchase and will then purchase others. Other customers might not purchase the product they are sent to, but will take a browse around your website and get interested in something else you have to offer.

As long as you have good products, continue to recruit affiliates, and offer a decent commission, you can definitely benefit by releasing affiliate products.

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