5 Reasons Affiliate Marketers & Product Creators Should Attend Live Events

Should you attend live events, such as the Traffic & Conversion Summit & Warrior Event, as an affiliate marketer and/or product creator?


With the vast Internet at our fingertips, it may seem we can just stay behind the computer screen and find success. However, there are still many benefits that face-to-face meetings with others in the marketing space can have on your own online business.

Benefits you just cannot get when you stay home and only interact online…

Networking with Others

Making a name for yourself is essential in the affiliate marketing and product creation spaces. It truly is a case of “who you know,” especially when you are first starting out.

Getting out from behind your computer and interacting with other marketers in person is a great way to form vital connections for your business. It’s possible you may never be able to reach a busy marketer through email or social media – but having them RIGHT THERE at the same conference with you is prime time to form a friendship.

Live events are also a great way to form a tribe or community around your business. These events put you front and center among like-minded businessmen and women, basically handing you all the people you need to create a successful group that will help your online business grow.

Improve your Skills

Many live events offer sessions or speakers that are there to teach what they know best. You may be able to sit in on a talk about marketing your products on Facebook, gaining several gold nuggets from someone who has been in the trenches and found success with this form or advertising.

Another session may help you find better ways to create your products that are less time consuming or costly than your current methods. Many of the speakers at these events are very successful marketers who are pulling 6 and 7 figures each year, and they would charge hundreds of dollars for just an hour of their time.

By being at the event, you can tap into their knowledge for just the price of your admission!

Learn about New Products

Whether you are an affiliate marketer or product creator, it is always important to stay on top of what your competition is offering. You want to always be promoting the latest and greatest before others, and by attending events, you can sometimes get an exclusive look at a product, book, or course before the general public.

Make a Name for Yourself

Having an in-person meeting with a highly successful marketer puts a much larger dot on their radar than sending an email ever will. You can really give them an impression of you, your skills, and your business that may help launch your business in the future.

Attending live events helps to expose your business to others in the space. You will become more memorable when someone can have a discussion with you and later put a face to your name. If you decide to speak at one of these events, you really can gain more exposure for yourself and your products.

Get Advice or Help

A live event is a perfect place to sit down and “talk shop” with others in the marketing arena. Even if you are just a newbie, many of the attendees of the Warrior Event and similar conferences will have dinner or, at the minimum, a drink with you to discuss any areas in which you need help.

This is the best time to really learn all you can from a successful businessperson. And who knows, the encounter could lead to a larger partnership down the road!

Even though the World Wide Web gives us access to billions of people every day, it’s still very beneficial for affiliate marketers and product creators to attend live events. There is just something about face-to-face communication and networking that sitting behind your computer cannot provide.

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