Twitter can be a mystery for some marketers or bloggers. With only 280 characters, how the heck are you supposed to warm up anyone to the idea of buying your product?!

It can be done, but only if you are using the best methods for lead generation on that particular social media platform. Keep reading to learn some secrets that will to help you generate more potential customers from Twitter.

Go easy on the hashtags. While hashtags are great for searches on Twitter, when you are tweeting to generate leads, they can be distracting. On tweets where you hope to get clickthroughs, stick to one hashtag – and don’t put it right after the link.

Also, make sure you space it out so it doesn’t all run together when Twitter highlights both the link and hashtag in blue.

Simple tweets are the best for a CTA. When you want someone to click through to your landing page or even sales page, simple goes a long way. You don’t need fancy emojis or multiple links in the tweet. Just some persuasive text and the link – maybe one hashtag – is all you need to get more leads from Twitter.

Don’t be a boring Tweeter! It’s important to note that simple doesn’t have to mean boring. If your lead generation tweets aren’t inciting an emotion from users that read it, you aren’t going to get the click through rates you desire.

In the few characters you use before the link, interest your readers with a shocking fact, burning questions, or desirable benefit of what you are offering at the link you want them to click.

Always be checking your stats. Twitter offers helpful analytics that let you know how well each tweet you publish is performing. You can also see when your tweets get the most engagement. Use this information to determine when you publish your tweets, and the types of tweets you should continue to create in order to generate more leads for your business.

Consider using paid tweets. Twitter offers an advertising option similar to Facebook and Pinterest. With a paid tweet, you can segment your followers and target the ones that are most likely to benefit from the lead generation tweets you are publishing.

Don’t abandon free tweets when you start paying for the advertising, however. A mix of organic and paid tweets is good for your account and makes it easier for you to reach more people overall.

Using these secrets for lead generation on Twitter, you should be able to increase the amount of interest you garner with your tweets. Above all, you need to be to the point and enticing with no fluff!


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