Q4 is the best time for all affiliates irrespective of their niche. With multiple holidays, companies increasing their advertising budget and more, there are numerous ways to increase your earnings during Q4. This is often where the bulk of affiliate revenue is made as consumers dramatically increase their spending during the holiday season. Although most affiliates know the value of Q4, they vastly under monetize it. In this post, we’ll cover the best tips from experts to help you earn the most money during Q4. 

Tip #1: Use your podcast audience to get sponsorships and affiliate earnings

Podcasts are one of the best mediums to generate affiliate earnings. Once you have an established audience, you can work with brands to get both sponsorship revenue and affiliate revenue at the same time. When you promote a brand on your podcast, you can charge a flat fee. In addition to this, you can place affiliate links in the description of your podcast to get additional revenue for that same promotion. This allows you to monetize twice while promoting once. 

Name: Craig Hewitt

Title: CEO

Company: Castos

Social Media: LinkedIn

Tip #2: Re-engage your audience

The holiday season is an awesome time to re-engage your audiences. Work with your partners to get information for Black Friday and holiday deals.

Everyone is spending money right now, everyone is looking for great gift ideas or deals. Create curated lists, share the best deals with your email lists – get creative and get a slice of the holiday pie.

Name: Jakub Rudnik

Title: Head of Content at Scribe

Company: Scribe

LinkedIn/Twitter: LinkedIn

Tip #3: Create an Instagram storefront

Instagram is an inherently visual medium with an enormous userbase, so having an outpost there is a great way to generate extra Black Friday or Christmas sales. Instagram affiliate creators earn a commission on sales made from product tags in posts on their feed as well as Stories, or from products in their shops.

You’ll need to dedicate some time to building and engaging with your audience. Of course, a successful Instagram account is also only as good as the content it publishes, so investing in high quality photography equipment is a must. But the payoff will be worth it.

Name: Alex Viall

Title: Founder & Managing Director

Company: Mustard IT

LinkedIn/Twitter: LinkedIn

Tip #4: Run link-building outreach campaigns

You may create astounding content, but that’s not a guarantee people will notice it…unless you encourage them to do it. That’s where link-building outreach comes in handy.  Make it one of your routine tasks to find other content creators and build relationships with them. Think how you can add value to their posts and agree to complement the content of each other. 

You can use a variety of ways of collaboration: write guest posts, exchange links, find broken links in their content and offer to substitute them with the links that would bring readers to one of your posts and your website. You can go even further by analyzing the links and overperforming the content they link to. This is a so-called ‘Skyscraper technique’. Run your outreach campaigns and offer content creators to link to your better content instead of the one they’re already linked to. 

Name: Yulia Zubova

Title: Outreach Specialist

Company: Snov.io

LinkedIn/Twitter: LinkedIn

Tip #5: Leverage your email list

The vast majority of affiliates underutilize their email lists as a way of getting more affiliate sales during Q4. Although it’s great to create new content or update existing content to get more traffic, your email list is a trusted medium to get consistent sales for any product or service you promote. You can leverage your email list to promote only the best paying affiliate programs for your business. This is far more effective and easier than creating new blog or video content to promote your affiliate partners. 

Name: Chris Tweten 

Title: CMO

Company: Spacebar Collective

LinkedIn/Twitter: LinkedIn

Tip #6- Cold call highly desired affiliate programs

The best affiliate programs are often the ones with established brands that pay well. This is usually in the form of high commissions or recurring commissions. Since these affiliate programs are popular, there can be a waitlist to get accepted. One creative way you can get around this is to cold call the affiliate program and accelerate the process. You can sell them on why you should be accepted and this method has worked for many affiliates in the past. 

Name: Birgir Már Daníelsson

Title: CMO

Company: Crankwheel

LinkedIn/Twitter: LinkedIn

Tip #7: Use AI to scale your content production

Blog content is a great medium for driving affiliate traffic and sales during Q4. One of the main problems content teams have is their inability to produce content at scale. Now there is SEO software that allows you to use AI to supplement your content teams and increase your content production. This will allow you to target more keywords, write more posts and increase your affiliate clicks and ultimately get more sales during Q4. 

Name: Andrew Dunn

Title: Founder & CEO INDMND 

Company: INDMND.com 

LinkedIn/Twitter: LinkedIn

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