Getting started with affiliate marketing is exciting, but it can be difficult without practical advice that can help you convert more traffic and get more affiliate commissions. In this post, we’ve gathered some of the best affiliate marketing tips by affiliate marketers and SEO experts. Explore the tips below to help you improve your affiliate operations and earn more commissions.

Tip #1: Create truly outstanding offers.

To set yourself apart from the competition, consider how you can create truly outstanding offers.

For example: can you offer prospects a bonus course or resource that they can’t find anywhere else? I know one successful affiliate who offers access to text him questions for support after buying via his link. (Almost nobody takes him up on this, but it makes his offer stand out and convert.) Pro tip: read the book $100M Offers—it’ll give you a ton of ideas to level up here.


Name: Zach Grove

Title: Growth Advisor

Company: Zach Grove

Social media (LinkedIn/Twitter): 


Tip #2: Partner with Complementary Influencers

While influencer partnerships aren’t anything groundbreaking, it’s important to consider what types of influencers complement your offer.

Working with influencers that are tangentially related to your brand will often yield excellent results. For example, if you sell personal finance informational products, it would make sense to work with influencers that put out content about living a frugal lifestyle or cheap travel accommodations.


Name: Chris Tweten

Title: Lead SEO

Company: Go Top Shelf

Social media (LinkedIn/Twitter):


Tip #3: Find Diamonds in the Rough

A big mistake new affiliate marketers make is chasing big shiny brands. The problem is that they’re competing with established competitors who’re already promoting those brands with their established presence.

While there’s nothing wrong with trying, consider promoting smaller brands with less coverage. While these brands have less social proof, they make up for it by having less affiliate competition. Look for trending new start-ups with thin review coverage. Odds are their affiliate programs pay just as much — if not more — than the big players. 


Name: Sam Szuchan

Title: Founder

Company: SamSzu

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Tip #4: Use Lead Magnets to Segment your Audience

If there are 10 visitors to your site, those 10 may be interested in 20 different things. You can never know.

There may be new bloggers at one of the scale to experienced marketers on the other. That’s why something that appeals to one person may put off the other person. Lead magnets help you capture email ids but they can also segment your audience into different interest groups. Someone who downloads a checklist on ranking a blog post is looking for very different things than someone who downloads the PDF for a guide on Advanced Google Analytics Search Operators.

Lead magnets help you understand this and give you the opportunity to target these two segments with suitable offers.


Name: George T Mathew

Title: Owner


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Tip #5: Narrow the link gap

If you’re being outranked for a competitive affiliate keyword, use a tool like Ahrefs to see if you have enough backlinks to the affiliate post. If your competitors have more links than you, you need to narrow the link gap by building more links to your post. This will help you increase your rankings and close the link gap between you and your competitors. 


Name: Nathan Gotch

Title: Founder

Company: STL SEO Consultant

Social media (LinkedIn/Twitter):


Tip #6: Show affiliate links to only the relevant audience

If you want to promote your affiliate program on your website, but don’t want to clutter your website for visitors that are not interested in your affiliate program, you can personalize your website. Personalization allows you to show your affiliate program to only existing customers or visitors who wouldn’t be interested in being your customer anyway (the often neglected non-customers). This way you can ensure that only the relevant audiences see your affiliate program.


Name: Teemu Raitaluoto

Title: Founder/CEO

Company: Markettailor

Social media (LinkedIn/Twitter):


Tip #7: Repurpose your content.

We all know that content is king – but it’s not always easy to create. Not only do you need to create outstanding content that builds trust and provides value to get affiliate commissions, you also need to reach as many people as possible.

A really simple way to scale out your content is to create long-form content that can be repurposed and distributed to multiple channels.

As an example, writing an in-depth blog post can be repurposed to a youtube video or shorts. That same blog post can also be broken down into an email marketing campaign or extended into an e-book. The success to your affiliate marketing starts with an intentional content strategy.


Name: Jessica La 

Title: Content Marketer 

Company: Appetiser Apps

Social media (LinkedIn/Twitter):


Tip #8: Create Epic Content That Converts

If you want to succeed in affiliate marketing, you must create content that is truly epic. By this, I mean comprehensive, in-depth guides that cover everything your audience could possibly want to know about your chosen topic. 

This type of content doesn’t just allow you to stand out from the competition and rank better in the search engines, but they also result in much better conversions for your affiliate offers.

Most affiliate marketers chase metrics like the number of website visitors while forgetting about the importance of conversion rates. There’s no better to boost affiliate offers conversions than creating epic content, and this has been one of the secrets of our success.


Name: Baidhurya Mani

Title: Founder & CEO

Company: Sell Courses Online

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Tip #9: Solve a customer pain point.

Focus on products that you use and you think they’re valuable. You can recommend those products and software personally. You can make a case study or you can explain the problem that you had and how it helped you solve it.

Example, I posted 200 posts on my website ThriveMyWay. It was a pain to do the internal linking. I found the plugin Link Whisper, I used it for internal linking. I wrote a review about it on my blog and I showed how it works and how it helped me solve my problem. The result? Many others are having the same problem and I suggested a solution. I am already making an affiliate income from this review post.


Name: Georgi Todorov

Title: Founder

Company: ThriveMyWay

Social media (LinkedIn/Twitter):


Writer Bio –
Ali Ali is a content marketer and blogger at
When he’s not guest posting, you can find him link building and learning about technical aspects of SEO. He can be reached at .

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