As JVZoo continues to work towards creating a platform that caters to all types of Marketers, Affiliates, and Sellers, we are excited to announce the long-awaited addition of Physical Products to our Marketplace!

Yes, you may now buy & sell Physical Products on JVZoo!

Sellers, you’re going to LOVE how easy this is!

For all intents and purposes, setup of your product is the same as it would be for a digital product EXCEPT that in the case of physical products you will skip the Electronic Delivery Section and complete the Physical Delivery Section instead:

Shipping charges will be entered as a flat fee for destinations within and outside of the United States.

NOTE: Make sure you enter your shipping fees! Otherwise, you will be offering FREE SHIPPING!

And, you will be able to collect the required shipping information from your customers including their telephone numbers, which is optional.

Of course, there are some limitations and requirements to keep things nice and legal.

  1. All Sellers must abide by local, state, and federal laws when it comes to selling physical products.
  2. Sellers must be able to supply shipping and delivery confirmation if a consumer states that a product was not delivered.
  3. If a Consumer states that they a product they purchase has not been delivered, and the Seller is unable to provide proof of shipping and delivery, JVZoo reserves the right to auto-refund the purchase price.

For even more information on Physical Products, please refer to these Knowledge Base articles:


    • Carol

      Hi. I’m new. I want to buy a product on JVzoo but I can’t seem to pay for it and complete my order. How do I pay fotlr my producedct

    • Austin Maddox

      I was curious, what if the store was a successful dropshipping store and wanted to get more business using affiliates from jvzoo. Is dropshipping allowed if it’s quality products and fast shipping?

      • JVZoo Staff Writer

        I will check on that for you.

      • JVZoo Staff Writer

        As long as the products meet our TOS and they have proper sales pages and thank you pages for the products That should not be an issue. Please let me know if this answers your question.

    • Kevin Jacobson

      Can I do a 2 level affiliate program on JVZOO for Physical Products?

      • Kevin Jacobson

        Also, Can I do a 2 level affiliate program on JVZOO for Physical Products with an option for my customers to get on a monthly autoship subscription?

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