Video marketing has increasingly become a very integral part of many online entrepreneurs’ content strategy. It has been linked to increased sales, leads, and website visits as well as substantial overall growth for the companies that use them regularly. In this post, we will take a look at several ways you can use video to benefit your own business or brand.

One thing you might consider doing if you already have videos made is to break them down into smaller snippets that convey a particular point you would like to get across. You can use these smaller videos on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, or anywhere else your target audience can be found.

Likewise, if you have several shorter clips on the same topic, you could put them together to make a longer video. Downloading a day’s worth of quick Snapchat videos and creating one that is lengthier is one way that marketers use this method. This type of video can be uploaded to YouTube or your blog with a brief written explanation of what it’s about.

Speaking of blogs, you may also want to think about turning some of your most popular blogs into videos and sharing them on other platforms. Also, you could turn your videos into blog posts by putting the content into text. Of course, you don’t have to stop at that. Take the transcriptions from your videos and elaborate on it to create ebooks, e-courses, social media updates and more!

You can also use videos to promote blog posts, affiliate products, lead capture pages, or even your Facebook Fan Page. Simply create a ‘teaser’ video that directs your audience to the URL you wish for them to visit. Many marketers use this method to grow their lists and their social media followers quite successfully.

If you have a membership site or are thinking about creating one, videos are a great addition to your members-only content area. You may also use them on your lead capture page to give a brief overview of what someone will be receiving in exchange for their contact information or even set up a video on autoplay that gives them the information they’re looking for once they have opted in.

There are so many ways to use videos to boost your business, increase the size of your list, build brand recognition, and drive traffic to your websites. Hopefully, a few of these ideas will resonate with you and inspire you to venture into the world of video marketing if you haven’t already. If you have, then perhaps we have given you a few ideas on new ways to repurpose the videos you’ve already made.


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