We’ve all done it. You log in to YouTube to search for a specific video or piece of information. Then, before you know it, hours have gone by. At this point, you might or might not have found the original video you were looking for. But, by now, it’s too late. You’ve wasted precious hours of your life watching kitten videos, learning how to speak giraffe, and cringing at epic falls.

If you’re in denial about how many hours you spend on YouTube, you won’t be for long!

YouTube is rolling out a new feature that is about to burst your bubble. It’s called the ‘time watch profile’ and it will be located in the account menu. This awesome new addition to YouTube is going to show you exactly how much time you spend watching videos today, yesterday, and over the past week.

Scary, huh?

According to some statistics, the 1,300,000,000 people who use YouTube watch 3.25 billion hours of video each month. And, those numbers are increasing every year!

That’s a lot of hours!

When this feature rolls out, we think that a lot of people will be surprised at just how many hours they spend mindlessly watching videos on YouTube when they could be doing something more productive. If that hits home for you, keep reading…

The New Time Watch Profile Feature On YouTube Is Actually A Good Thing!

One benefit of the new YouTube feature is that it will allow you to finally ditch that ‘lack of time’ excuse you’ve been using for things you WANT to do, but thought you didn’t have time for. Like, maybe, starting an entrepreneurial journey, for instance.

One of the biggest reasons why people neglect to start their own business working from home is that they believe they won’t have enough time to make it successful. Yes, it takes some time and effort, but really, you can accomplish a lot more than you think you can in just a few hours a day.

You know, the hours you would normally be spending engrossed with watching videos on YouTube?

Many times, it’s not the actual lack of time that a person has that stops them, but simply the refusal to rearrange their time or re-evaluate what they could spend less time doing in order to make it happen.

What’s great about the new YouTube feature is that now you’ll be able to see one way that you can prioritize your time more efficiently. And what better use of those extra couple hours than to begin building a business online that can provide recurring income?

Build Your Own Online Business With JVZoo During The Hours You’d Normally Spend On YouTube

JVZoo gives you all the tools and training you need to be successful. We have PDFs, video tutorials, our blog, and social media channels which are constantly updated with tips and tricks for successfully using our platform. There is also JVZoo Academy for those who want to make money online with proven steps to success!

With just a couple hours a day, you can get started earning money online. You know it can be done – you’ve seen the Shout Outs and interviews. The tools are there for you to learn and implement. And now with the realization of how many hours you can actually save by assigning your attention to your own livelihood instead of ‘Try Not To Laugh’ videos, you can finally get started!

It’s easy! Here are your first steps:

  1. Sign up for your free JVZoo account
  2. Follow JVZoo on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn & Pinterest
  3. Join JVZoo Academy for free

See how easy that was? And all done within the time it would take to watch an episode of PewDiePie!

We’re all for enjoying your downtime. And we have nothing against YouTube! In fact, we have a JVZoo YouTube Channel! But, the fact is, many people who are struggling financially are spending their time on things that make other people money instead of making themselves money.

Don’t you think it’s time for that to change? We do, too! Take control of your time and your financial future. Click here to join JVZoo today!

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