
If you’re an Affiliate Marketer, chances are you’ve wondered if blogging would be beneficial to your business.

Will it be worth the time and effort?

Will it help you build your email list?

Will it help you make more money?

The answers to those questions are…

Yes, Yes and Yes!

People want to make informed buying decisions.

So, one of the first things they do when they hear about a new product or service is to seek out more information.

Sure, they’ll look at the sales page, but that’s not what they’re looking for.

Most people are immune to sales copy.

Instead, they’re looking for information from people they can trust to give them honest opinions without the hype.

That’s where you come in.

Turn Your Passion Into Profit In 4 Simple Steps

Get Over 8 Hours Of Over The Shoulder Training That Covers Both Affiliate Marketing & Blog Building Strategies

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“But, I already have an email list. Why should I blog, too?”

Email marketing is great and JVZoo strongly suggests you build an email list.

But, blogging can give your audience that something ‘extra’ to look to for more in-depth information about who you are, what you do & what you have to offer.

Again, it comes back to the know, like & trust factor.

And a blog can help you achieve your goals to be the one people look to for information and recommendations about products and services in your niche.

Here at the JVZoo Blog, you can find massive amounts of information about affiliate marketing, exclusive interviews from our most successful Users, announcements of new features and press releases and quarterly updates of our High-Performance Leaders.

5 Great Reasons For Affiliate Marketers To Have A Blog

  1. Get Found – If you want more people to find you online, you should definitely consider having a blog. With some SEO strategies in place, you can be the first person people find when researching the latest products and services in your niche.
  2. Build Relationships – A blog gives you the freedom that you won’t find on social media to express yourself in ways that are authentic and personal to you and your brand. These posts can then be shared on social media for added oomph.
    The more ways you can find to connect with your audience, the better. A blog is an excellent way for you to foster relationships while building your business and your email list.
  3. Establish Yourself As An Authority In Your Niche – Regardless of where you are in the affiliate marketing industry right now, you can build trust within your niche by sharing valuable information with your readers. Over time, with consistency, you can become the ‘go-to’ person for answers and recommendations which will ultimately lead to an increase in conversion rates.
  4. Get To Know Your Followers – By asking questions and encouraging comments in your blog posts, you increase your ability to learn about what your target audience really wants and needs. Your responses will probably prove to be quite different from what you’d see if you ask on social media, where everyone can see the answers. Blogging gives you extra insight into what you should be teaching and sharing with your audience.
  5. Increase Your Reach – Enabling share buttons on your blog and encouraging your readers to share your posts can help you reach an even wider audience! And remember, the more people who see you and read your content, the better!  

As you can see, the benefits of having a blog are enormous – and we’ve only listed a few here!

Blogging is an easy and inexpensive way for Affiliate Marketers to increase brand recognition, drive traffic to their offers, and reach more people than relying only on social media or email marketing.

If you’ve been on the fence about establishing your online presence with a blog, the reasons above should be more than enough to help you decide once and for all.

Looking for more ways to build your affiliate marketing business with a blog? Check out these products from Premium JVZoo Sellers:

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