We love success stories here at JVZoo and being a part of them is even better! In an ongoing effort to bring recognition to our amazing family of sellers and affiliates, we continue to reach out to those of you who have contributed to our success both as a company and as a culture. Today we are talking to Brett Rutecky, recently listed as a JVZoo Honoree for Top Sellers & Affiliates and a veteran user of our platform. Brett has seen long-term success as both a vendor and an affiliate and is known for excellent products such as MailIt WordPress Plugin, Video Takeover, Profit Canvas, and Instant Video Pages.


JVZoo: Tell us a little about yourself, Brett.

BR: My name is Brett Rutecky, I am a software developer, product creator and affiliate marketer.

JVZoo: How did you get involved with affiliate marketing?

BR: For a long time I had been working as a freelance developer and was looking for a more reliable and steady source of income. I created my first software product and offered it for sale on the  Warrior Forum. JVZoo picked this as POTD, which not only earned me money but also gave me my first buyers email list and the confidence to move forward with online marketing.

JVZoo: How long have you been working online?

BR: Since Feb 2014 as a full-time marketer.

JVZoo: What kind of obstacles did you have to overcome in order to pursue this method of earning income?

BR: Lots of them. I think I made every possible mistake a newbie could make. Honestly, if I were to list them all it would take forever. In fact, it would be easier to mention the one thing I did right as opposed to the many things I did wrong and that would be to take action and believe in myself.

JVZoo: What is your preferred niche?

BR: Software tools for people who run online businesses.

JVZoo: What advice would you give someone who is just getting started as a vendor and/or as an affiliate?

BR: Be a vendor first. Let the existing affiliates send you sales and build your customer list for you. Then offer great support for those customers, go out of your way for them, give them extras, build a relationship with them, and finally you can do affiliate marketing to them.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

BR: Well, I probably would not have made the 5000 mistakes I made. But at the time I did not know that they were mistakes. Honestly, leaving aside hindsight, I would do very little different. I was fortunate to be successful nearly from the start. My first year I broke 6 figures, my second year I broke 7.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

BR: Having thousands of people who not only benefit from my work but who also have honored me with their trust and respect.

JVZoo: How did you learn the ins and outs of internet marketing? Do you have a mentor?

BR: No, I learned by seeing what other people were doing and emulating them.

JVZoo: How do you utilize JVZoo in your affiliate marketing pursuits?

BR: I use them to sell products that I create, and to promote other products. That is, I am a vendor and an affiliate on the JVZoo network.

JVZoo: What are you currently working on?

BR: That’s a secret! 🙂

JVZoo: Where can we find you online?

BR: My website is http://brettrutecky.com and you can also find me on Facebook.

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