At JVZoo, we believe our Sellers and Affiliates deserve recognition for all the hard work and dedication they have put into their businesses. For that reason, we have been reaching out to people who have proven to be an integral part of the success we see as a company and as a culture to fill us in on their background, share their experiences, and give us a more in-depth look at what it takes to be a top user at JVZoo.

Today, we give you a glimpse into Sorin Asaftei’s life and work history. With six years of full-time online income under his belt, Sorin is an excellent role model for new affiliate marketers.

A Real-Life Rags to Riches Story With Sorin Asaftei

JVZoo: Who is Sorin Asaftei? Tell us a little about yourself.

SA: I’m Sorin Asaftei, a 26-year-old guy from Romania. It’s almost a cliche, but it’s like a classic rags-to-riches story. Born and raised in a small and quite poor village in Romania, I was studying theology in order to become a priest. One day I discovered the power of the Internet and the fact that people were actually making money online and was instantly fascinated. I soon dropped out of college and pursued this full time and as they say it, the rest is history. I never imagined myself doing what I do now. Even if it’s a completely different and unrelated path compared to where I started, I still keep God close to my heart and feel that this way my impact on the world can be much bigger and I have more leverage to help those around me who are in need.

JVZoo: How did you get involved with affiliate marketing?

SA: It happened naturally. Like mostly everyone else who tried making money online, I tried everything too. It’s a really good and scalable short-term move.

JVZoo: How long have you been working online?

SA: It’s been almost 6 years now of making a full-time income.

JVZoo: What kind of obstacles did you have to overcome in order to pursue this method of earning income?

SA: People – So many times people have told me that I can’t do this or can’t do that

Discipline – I learned the hard way that I can’t have huge goals without great discipline. It’s something you have to train [for] if discipline doesn’t come naturally to you.

Perseverance – Like with any other success story out there, it’s not all flowers and roses all the time. There were good times and there were also dark times when nothing was working and I was on the edge of giving up. The key is to never give up though.

JVZoo: What is your preferred niche and how did you choose it?

SA: I can’t say I have a preferred niche at the moment. The Internet Marketing and the whole MMO world, although it has its faults, will always have a place in my heart, because it’s where I started my online journey. Currently, I’m moving to more mainstream stuff like e-commerce.

JVZoo: What advice would you give someone who is just getting started as a Seller and/or as an Affiliate?

SA: Dream big, never give up, have great discipline and patience. You will make it happen eventually.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

SA: Like most young people who start making money online, the lifestyle and buying expensive, but stupid things, can be really attractive. I’d start focusing sooner on creating a long-term business with a much bigger ROI, instead of pursuing short-term income with no tangible future.

I would also be much more disciplined and keep myself accountable to my goals, which is something I should have done sooner.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

SA: It would be two moments. One is the moment when I made my first dollar online, which is something that I think no Internet Marketer can ever forget, the sudden rush of adrenaline and pure joy, knowing this Internet Marketing thing is real. And the second one would be when I finally created a system in which you put $1 in and you make $2 out, that’s when I knew that it wasn’t only real, but it can also get really, really BIG!

JVZoo: How did you learn the ins and outs of internet marketing? Do you have a mentor?

SA: I was always inspired by and learned from all the big guys in the industry. I think it’s very important to never stop learning, so I always watch new courses and products released.

But that mostly works in theory. The real game starts when you put it in practice, which is where I learned 90% of what I do, the hard way, through trial and error and spending your own money trying to make things happen.

JVZoo: How do you utilize JVZoo in your affiliate marketing pursuits?

SA: JVZoo is the platform that launched my Internet Marketing career and I wouldn’t be here without it. I’m very grateful for the fact that it allowed me as an affiliate to connect with amazing vendors with fantastic and high converting funnels. It’s a win, win situation for everybody.

JVZoo: What are you currently working on?

SA: I’m currently moving more and more into e-commerce because I enjoy having so much control of the scalability and ROI. It’s also something more mainstream that has a much wider audience.

JVZoo: One more thing: Where can our readers find you online?

SA: Facebook:


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    • […] week, probably as result for becoming the overall Top 2017 Affiliate, Carrie Medford did an interview with Sorin that has been published on JVZoo’s […]

    • Dibyaranjan

      Hi, that’s truly very inspiring conversation. It will help a lot of people & will inspire to do anything that they are interested on.

    • Mei Rizal

      Very inspiring. I want to be successfull product creator and online entrepreneur.

    • Firojul Alam Khan

      Very motivational.hope to become a successful entrepreneur one day.

    • Manny

      I purchased the OnInbox Autoresponder cloud software LIFETIME membership, and know the site is gone. Facebook Group has been shut down and he is nowhere to be found to answer “Where has OnInbox Gone?! ”
      Does anyone have answers to these questions and is he letting all his customers know what happed?!

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