Build your online authority quickly using video


Video marketing is growing in popularity. In the online marketing arena, video can be used to get thousands of visitors to a site.

Utilizing the power that videos carry will help you witness a boom in whatever online business you are doing. If you are not using this form of online marketing, read this article to see why so many entrepreneurs have chosen to do so.

Video marketing is simple, easy and powerful. Have you thought about promoting your products or services using videos, but haven’t yet taken the leap? You should know that the odds of making your online authority skyrocket are greatly increased when you add videos to your marketing strategy. 

If you haven’t yet begun to use them in your business, do not worry, all hope is not lost. Here are 11 tips that will help you build your online authority with the use of videos:


  1. Create a campaign for long-term, autopilot traffic: Have a strategy in place. What is your concept? What videos are you going to make? How often will you upload a video? It is important to plan each one.Know what you’ll be talking about before you start filming, but don’t try to memorize everything. Just list the primary points you want to make and talk from what you know. That way the video will be much more genuine. Your viewers will appreciate it if you sound natural and not mechanical.
  2. Get friends and subscribers: This will lead to more views, and more views will lead to greater authority. As your channel gets more popular, it will get higher search engine rankings.
  3. Target keywords specific to your niche: Then turn your keywords into titles. By inserting your keyword in the title, the description, and the tags, you tell the search engines what your video is about.Look for keywords with a minimum of 3,000 searches per month. Keep in mind that YouTube analyzes the dialogue and text on your videos to ensure the relevance of your content to the keywords you noted.
  4. Do a search on YouTube to see how many videos you will be competing against in your niche. The lower the number, the greater the chance that your video will be ranked quickly.
  5. Comment on videos and channels: When you leave a comment, the channel owners are likely to reply and may even view your videos, as well.
  6. Set up Google Alerts for video results for your keywords: That way whenever someone posts something new for your keywords in your market, you will be notified by Google.
  7. Be consistent and upload original videos consistently: There is “power in consistency”. A smart strategy is to film several of these at a time. Then post a video at least once a week. This will enable you to build momentum. Also, you should consider editing them all at the same time, also.
  8. Create videos that work: The types of videos that work best on YouTube include “how to” videos, videos answering viewer’s questions, or a video series.
  9. Have a clear call to action: The call to action tells the viewer what you want them to do after watching the video. Your viewers typically need specific instructions. An example is asking viewers to leave comments at the end of the video or to visit your website.
  10. Be sure to select the right thumbnail image: Many novice marketers overlook the importance of selecting the right thumbnail image. It must be appealing to your target market.The thumbnail will get noticed while people browse the videos in their search results. If it peaks their curiosity, they will be interested in watching your video and will click your link.
  11. Make use of social media: Today, we have so many people on popular social media that allow you to upload videos (example: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc). You can get a large number of people storming your website, landing page, or whatever platform you have online.


Additionally, here are 5 secrets to creating “sticky videos” that will definitely help you increase your online authority:


  • Keep them short. The optimal length is 2 to 3 minutes. 
  • The more editing, the better. Feel free to edit or even re-shoot, if necessary. You can use editing software like iMaker or Windows Movie Maker. 
  • Add music. 
  • Demonstrate something. 
  • Be engaging, conversational and likable.

As mentioned earlier, videos have the capability of driving enormous amounts of traffic to your website, thereby increasing your online authority.

YouTube videos typically rank very well in the search engines, and they can get shared on social networks. Use these tips to start building online authority in your niche through the use of video marketing today.

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