Membership sites are an excellent way to generate a recurring income online while delivering more focused, valuable, automated content to your customers all in one place. Many marketers prefer this type of delivery method for their products and find that as long as they continue to provide exceptional value to their members the rewards pay off nicely in the form of continuous subscription payments.

If owning a membership site is something you have been thinking about, you might be contemplating what kinds of content to include for your subscribers. Here are six for you to consider:

Exclusive Interviews – You don’t have to offer only your own expertise inside your membership site. You can also utilize the experience of highly successful authorities in your particular niche. Providing your members access to exclusive interviews within your membership site is one way to give them something nobody else can. Additionally, you should consider making a transcript of the interview available as well.

Video Courses – Online courses are very popular and a great resource for your subscribers. You may want to have a variety of video courses available for your members to choose from that will help them learn a particular method or strategy for achieving their goals. In fact, in addition to the videos, you might consider offering additional complementary materials such as worksheets, print-outs, action plans, and audio versions of your teaching material.

Members Only Webinars – These could be done as a live question and answer period, a mastermind session, or even as an over-the-shoulder look into how you tackle a problem that your members would likely need to overcome. These live coaching and/or training sessions are an excellent way to encourage interaction with you and between the attendees as well.

Audio Downloads – People are busy and often find it difficult to sit in front of a computer long enough to take advantage of everything available to them within your membership site. You can help them overcome such time restraints by offering audio downloads of your available content that they can take with them while they are on the go.

Discounts & Special Offers – Members-Only perks such as discounts and special offers are another great addition to a membership site. Being part of an exclusive group that allows one to save money on future purchases as a benefit of being a part of a membership is something many people take advantage of. If being a part of your elite membership site gives your subscribers this advantage, all the better!

Content Archives – It is inevitable that some of your subscribers will be unable to fully enjoy their member’s content within the month that it is released at some point in time. Having the archives of previously released content available will ease their mind and allow them to take full advantage of your site without worrying about falling behind or missing out on anything.

Most successful membership site owners find that having a variety of content available is the best way to keep their members happy. While one person may enjoy learning visually, another may prefer audio and where one person has lots of time to utilize their computer, another may need to print out material in order to read it at another time. You will not be able to please every person 100% of the time, but by offering a selection of high-quality learning options, you’ll be more apt to retain a higher number of members.

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