Last time we talked about how you can get started building your own profitable email list.

Now of course new subscribers aren’t going to start materializing out of thin air, it’s not a case of “build it and they will come”. In order to actually start building your list, you need traffic to your squeeze pages and eyeballs on your offer.

Before we get into the how… Let us just tell you one thing. Everyone who has ever built a list started out with zero subscribers and for a long time they were stuck on two… themselves and their mum.

This is perfectly fine, it’s not going to be fast in the beginning. The important thing is to keep going and not give up. Like most things in online marketing, once you really get going list building can quickly snowball into something bigger and far more profitable.

Sure, there is a magic button… you can just throw money at it. Paying for ads on Google, Facebook and others to send traffic to your squeeze page. This can be a very valid and super profitable strategy… but also very risky when you’re just starting out.

Before you start spending big you need to make sure that your lead capture pages convert and that the money offer behind it will sell enough to offset the cost of paid ads.

Thankfully there are several ways you can start building traffic to your offers and testing your pages… and most of them won’t cost more than a bit of “elbow grease”.

Start Blogging

Lots of people want to make money online and every single day they search Google for terms like “how to make money”, “how to get free traffic” and a thousand other things… doing such a search might even be why you are reading this blog post right now.

Google loves WordPress blogs that are updated regularly with original content. It’s one of the easiest ways to get a good ranking and lots of free traffic.

Create a WP blog and start writing. The JVZoo Marketplace has lots of great resources on how to do this.

Take a look at your lead capture offer and start writing posts that relate to what you are giving away. Think about what questions your audience might have and what they may search for on Google.

Then write blog posts targeting these search terms and answer their questions. End every post with a little blurb for your squeeze page and tell them to click the link to learn more and download your free report today. You should also have ads or optin boxes for your offer directly on your blog’s sidebar.

No… Article Marketing Is Not Dead!

Now this might seem like we’re stuck in 2005, but article marketing really does still work. Basically what you do is write articles (just like blog posts) and submit them to article sites. These sites will then syndicate your articles and get them posted on hundreds of other blogs.

You end each article with a little ad and a link to your squeeze page. Even better, link them back to your own blog to help it rank better and get even more traffic.

This strategy works particularly well if you write blog posts in two parts. Use the first part for article marketing and tell them to click to go read part two on your blog.

You Don’t Even Have To Write… Much

There’s a shortcut to pumping out a lot of blog posts and articles fast. On the JVZoo Market you’ll find a lot of PLR products. Private Label Rights means you have the right to take that content, change it in almost any way you want and label it as your own.

Grab some PLR articles and rewrite them to be unique. Grab some PLR ebooks and reports… rewrite and split the content up into several blog posts and articles.

Or Write At All…

Another great strategy is to create YouTube videos. Just like people search Google for answers, they will also search YouTube for “how to videos”. Record videos that show people how to do stuff that is relevant to your offer. For example your videos could be on how to set up a WordPress blog and your offer could be on how to make money from it.

Mention and link to your lead capture pages in both the videos and their descriptions.

Solo Ads… A New Beginning

Now that you have a bit of traffic going, some leads coming in and hopefully some sales from your money offer…

It’s time to start ramping things up and using paid advertising to get even more traffic, leads and sales.

One of the easiest and least risky ways to do that is to use solo-ads. Basically this is where you pay a list owner for the right to mail your offer to his list. The key here is to always use this to advertise your lead capture page, you want to get people on your own list so you can market to them over and over again for free.

Once you get the ball rolling and know that your lead magnet works and your money offers convert… you can then start branching out to more paid advertising like for example Facebook ads to get that snowball rolling faster.

Of course one thing is to build a list… another question is what to do with it when you have it. The next post in this series will deal with how to market to your new list, what you should send to them and how often. Good luck with your list building and stay tuned for the next article.


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