front-end product


Traditionally, front-end products were used to gain new customers. They weren’t necessarily expected to result in a ton of profits, but more likely determined successful if the Seller broke even.

The money was made in the back-end – through upsells, cross-sells, memberships, etc.

And this formula still works today.

IF you do it correctly.  

Unfortunately, the importance of the front-end product seems to have lessened…

At least in the eyes of the Seller.

In a rush to get a new customer to the back-end, where the real money is made, some Sellers have taken their focus off of providing the exceptional value expected from a front-end product.

This has led to an increase of unsatisfied & untrusting customers over the years.

And we can understand why.

You may be thinking to yourself: “What business is it of yours what kind of front-end product I sell as long as it meets FTC standards?

The answer is this – JVZoo prides itself on being a stand-up company that adheres to the highest level of authenticity.

There is a standard of value that we believe our Sellers should give their customers while using our platform.

From the front-end product to customer service, we expect our Sellers to provide only the highest of quality.

Which is exactly what your customers expect, too.

The thing is, not only is the practice of selling sub-par front-end products harmful to the Seller, it is detrimental to the industry as a whole.

There has always been a general lack of trust when it comes to internet marketing, and over the years, Sellers and Affiliates have worked hard to disprove the misconception that money couldn’t be made online legitimately.

This has never been fully accomplished, but the influx of marketers who are more interested in making a quick buck than of making a difference in the lives of their customers is threatening to reverse the progress we’ve made and put us back to square one.

There needs to be a shift in the marketplace.

And the shift could begin with simply providing a better front-end product.

What Are The Qualities Of A Front-End Product That Customers Love?

Exceptional Quality – Front-end products should be of the utmost quality. They are outstanding. They should be referral-worthy.

Your front-end product shouldn’t be of the dollar store variety.

You know what we mean…

Cheap, easily broken, trashed by the 2nd day.

You may set the price of your front-end product lower than those of your upsells, but that doesn’t mean it should be low-quality.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

The satisfaction given by your front-end product will prove to be the catalyst for any future sales.

Exceed Expectations – In other words, your front-end product should over-deliver.

Whatever your product is supposed to do, it had better do. Plus more.

One of the worst things a Seller can do is to over-promise and under-deliver.

Customers that feel as if they got more than what they paid for are happy customers.

Happy customers make more purchases.

Unadvertised Bonuses – One great way to over-deliver is to provide some valuable unadvertised bonuses that go hand-in-hand with your front-end product.

It was probably hard enough for your new customer to commit to making the purchase in the first place.

Receiving a bonus that they weren’t even expecting, but that they will be able to use can alleviate some of that post-purchase guilt.

Keep in mind, though, that your unadvertised bonus should be of the same high-quality as your front-end product.

First-Rate Customer Experience – Your customer’s experience as they go through the buying process should be quick and painless.

From the initial order to receiving the product, using the product, getting customer support for the product, everything should run smoothly and not cause them any frustration.

Your job as a Seller does not end when they click the ‘Buy Now’ button.

Go the distance for your customers. Don’t break their trust.

JVZoo takes customer complaints very seriously.

We keep close tabs on Sellers who receive complaints about not providing ongoing support to their customers once a purchase has been made.

When a Seller makes a habit of taking the money and running, we are forced to take action.

Don’t risk losing your JVZoo account by not taking care of the customers who have trusted you to deliver on your promises.

Work Independently – Front-end products should work independently and do exactly what is promised without needing to buy any upsells or one-time-offers.

They should be stand-alone products that can be used without additional components.

OTOs may offer additional value to help the front-end product work faster, better, or easier, but they should not be REQUIRED for it to work in the first place.

If your front-end product does require anything else to work correctly, that should be clearly disclosed in your sales copy.

Remember what your goal is with your front-end product.

It’s not to make a quick buck.

It’s to introduce new customers to the level of service and product quality they can expect from you in the future.

When your front-end product has the qualities mentioned above, the amount of repeat business from satisfied customers will increase, and so will your income.

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