Joshua Zamora is a Premium Seller with JVZoo and has a well-established affiliate marketing career. Born and raised in Miami, Florida he is the creator of several products and an affiliate for many more. In today’s interview, you’ll learn how the simple act of flipping channels on the TV planted the seed that led to Joshua Zamora’s online success.

JVZoo: Let’s start with some easy questions. What is your preference? Horror Movie or Comedy Movie? Why?

JZ: Neither. I’m more of an action/drama movie guy 🙂

JVZoo: Small Gathering or Big Party? Why?

JZ: Small gathering. I’ve always been more of a loner.

JVZoo: Rich Friend or Loyal Friend? Why?

JZ: Loyal friend. I have a handful of real friends as it is and their monetary situation is irrelevant when I choose to be friends with them. I care more about them as a person than anything else.

JVZoo: What prompted you to begin your Internet Marketing career?

JZ: I’ve always had the entrepreneurial spirit and knew that I didn’t want to work for other people for the rest of my life. One day I was at home flipping through the channels and I saw an infomercial from Anthony Morrison. That is what planted the seed in my head that making money online was possible. That’s all the proof I needed.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

JZ: Not a single thing. I knew nothing when I started online and I thrived on every little success I had. I even remember when I first successfully uploaded an image online via FTP. It was one of the most exciting things ever. Luckily as well, the first money I made online was after building a list of about 1,000 people, so I’d do the very same thing. Start list building from the start.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

JZ: The fact that I’ve been able to take my online income and grow my true passion of investing in Real Estate. I’ve been able to grow a small portfolio so far that I plan to continue growing.

JVZoo: What is the #1 thing you would recommend people do today on JVZoo?

JZ: Just take action. Most people never do the most basic thing of actually starting. Your first product doesn’t have to be some crazy, elaborate software. It can be something simple that solves a simple problem. Even if it only sells 10 copies, put it out there. The lessons you’ll learn from just putting up your first buy button will change your life forever.

JVZoo: Where can we find you online?


JVZoo: Anything you’d like to add?

JZ: JVZOO rocks! 🙂

JVZoo: Thank you for taking the time to share with us today and congratulations on all your success so far! We look forward to seeing more great things from you in the future!

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    • Jvzoo

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    • Otis Murray

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    • Boss Rex

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    • Olugu

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    • Lana Adekunle

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