how to promote jvzoo products

I’ve got my affiliate link. Now what?

We get that question a lot here at JVZoo.

And, we understand…

Affiliate marketing can be confusing.

Especially if you’re just starting out.

So, today, we’re going to give you some advice on how to promote JVZoo products the right way.

But, first….

Let’s talk about what NOT to do with your affiliate link.

  1. Never send your affiliate link to someone who has not given you permission to do so.

    We know you want to make money, but honestly… if you’ve ever done that before, how did it work for you?

    You probably got told off, unfriended, reported for sending SPAM and/or blocked.

    People don’t make purchases from people who randomly send affiliate links through messages, emails, texts, etc.

    They buy from people who they know, like & trust.

  2. Don’t flood your social media channels with your affiliate link.

    Again, this goes back to being ‘spammy’ and it’s one of the reasons JVZoo links are often blocked by Facebook or require authentication through a reCAPTCHA test.

    People don’t visit social media to see ads. They go to interact with their family and friends.

    That’s why it’s called ‘social’ media, not ‘ad’ media.

    And while social media is a great way to generate leads & build your business, it must be done correctly.

    Invest in the training that will help you advertise correctly on social media and it can do great things for your business.

  3. Avoid putting your affiliate link on traffic exchanges.

    Yes, they are still around and people are still using them. But, they aren’t a very good place to drive traffic to your affiliate link.

    One reason is that the people ‘surfing’ other sites are simply not interested in your offer. They’re there for the same reason you are – to get traffic & leads.

    They’re busy looking at a timer, not your page.

    Another reason is that it could hurt the Seller’s site rankings.

    A flood of traffic from a single domain with very short visits will result in a super-high bounce rate.

These are just a few of the things you should NOT do with your affiliate link. Not just because they don’t work, but because doing so may lead to your affiliate status for that product to be revoked by the seller.

JVZoo Sellers want only the best affiliates promoting their product, who send high-quality, targeted traffic to their sales pages.

So, how DO you do that?

Glad you asked!

Here are some great ideas on how to promote JVZoo products like an affiliate marketing pro:

  1. Build a list and send them promotional emails.

    We can’t stress enough how important it is to have an email list.

    Email marketing is extremely powerful and is one of the most lucrative things you can use for your affiliate marketing business.

    Our most successful JVZoo Users have spent a great deal of time and effort building their lists and use them to generate recurring revenue with affiliate offers.

  2. Create a blog.

    There are SO many ways to use a blog for generating affiliate marketing revenue.  

    Create content that is geared towards your chosen niche and use SEO to increase your site’s rankings & drive traffic.

    Share individual posts, such as product reviews, on social media that include your affiliate links.

    Put a lead capture form on your blog to collect subscribers and send them email about affiliate products.

    Your blog is a great place to place quality content that includes your affiliate link.

  3. Create a video review & put your link in the description.

    Videos are a great way to promote your affiliate products!

    In fact, YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day and has over a billion users.

    That’s a pretty powerful platform to use for generating targeted traffic to your affiliate offer!

  4. Create a lead capture page & redirect your opt-ins to your affiliate link.

    Don’t have a blog yet? No problem!

    Most autoresponders allow you to create a simple lead capture page that is hosted by their service.

    This allows you to build your email list without even having a website or blog.

These suggestions for promoting JVZoo products correctly all have one thing in common.

Did you catch it?

They all help you establish authority in your niche and increase the know/like/trust factor when it comes to your potential customers.

And, that’s really the key to becoming an affiliate marketing pro.

Need help implementing the strategies listed above? Check out these awesome products for expert training:


    • Mivraw

      I have been approved and a link as been sent to me, but i don’t know how to start promoting. please i need your help.

      • JVZoo Staff Writer

        This blog has great information on how to start promoting. You may also be interested in the free training offered at JVZoo Academy:

    • Adegbiji David

      I have been approved and a link as been sent to me, but i don’t know how to start promoting. please i need your help.

      • JVZoo Staff Writer

        This article has a lot of great information in it on how to promote JVZoo products.

    • Royan Shaw

      I don’t know but each time you send out a JVZoo product offer it always seem as if your prospects are already aware of the product no matter how early you forward your email.

      I think I know why, it’s because of the retargeting ads that pop up everywhere before the product is launched. This usually happens from a few weeks to a number of days before.

      Oftentimes your subscribers would have already seen the ad probably checked out the sales page so by the time you send out your mail your mailing list is already all too familiar with the product and have already made their decision.

      Now I know why it’s so darn difficult to generate a sale from these affiliate products.

      Next challenge, the ephemeral jostling among bloggers fighting for that valuable page 1 rank for posting a so called “honest review” of the product and I have noticed over and over that the front page of GOOGLE is eternally ruled by an infamous few – I would love to find out the ranking strategy used by these bloggers to have their content ranked so quickly…

      Overall selling affiliate products is challenging due to over saturation, misleading sales pages, poor reputation of the product vendor among other issues…

    • Rosa

      Hi; me too I just sign up in jvzoo as an affiliate but I don’t to start promoting ; honestly it’s my first time so can you please help me too that I could be able to move on. Thank you and more power.

    • Rosa

      Hi, I mean me too I just signed up here in jvzoo as an affiliate but I don’t know also how to start promoting . I need your help too. Thank you.

    • Uthika Perera

      Dear sir
      Please send me the way to find jvzoo products to I get my promotion code.please advice me.
      Thank you very much

      • YUSUF


    • Kenny

      I have been approved several times to promote items by i do t know how to promote them i dont have a website or a blog to do so please where can i post the link to drove a traffic

    • Ogoyi Isaac

      I have registered as an Affiliate but i don’t know the procedure to promote products, i want you guys to guide me. Thanks

    • Wilcox Douyibaraladei

      Please guide me on how to promote products as an affiliate

    • Wilcox Douyibaraladei

      Please guide me on how to promote products as an affiliate on jvzoo

    • Emmanuel Joseph Tukura

      Help guide me on how to promote product in jvzoo affiliate marketing. Thank you

    • Sujeet

      I Like Your Story.

    • Lomba Victoria

      Dear sir
      Please send me the way to find jvzoo products to I get my promotion code.please advice me.
      Thank you very much

      • Dennis

        This is a resourceful post. These are great tips on how to promote JVzoo products like a PRO.
        Here are my additions:
        1. Create a Facebook group around your niche. Ask your followers what are their pain problems and recommend the products you are promoting as solutions. Video is king these days, Do Facebook Live, announcing new products, giving tips and collect emails to further engagement outside Facebook.
        2. Create a Quora profile, answer questions related to your niche and drive traffic to your blog
        I hope this helps!

    • Md Shafiul Bashar

      I started my jvzoo career. I got many ideas what will be benefited me in my jvzoo success. Thanks for sharing.

    • Adeniyi Adesanya

      Great to be a JVZoo member. I just signed up and can’t wait to start making money.

    • Guide me Tech

      Just got signed up for Jvzoo affiliate program. Thanks for sharing useful info.

    • Vaiyapuri Gopalakrishnan

      Nice Information.

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