How to Use Instagram to Generate Leads for your Business

Instagram. One of the most popular social media platforms on the web today. According to Tech Crunch, Instagram has 700 million active users as of April 2017. That’s a large pool to generate leads for your business, wouldn’t you say?

How exactly do you generate leads using Instagram? The following tips will help you grow your business on the platform!

Be authentic in your photos

Just like with any social media marketing, you want to be genuine. Not too formal – not just sharing memes or stock photos. Share behind the scenes photos of you creating videos, products being packaged, you grabbing your first cup of coffee of the morning (bedhead and all).

Yes, being that real and personable will help you connect with your followers and could convert them into leads for your business.

Show off your products

Entice your Instagram followers and generate awareness for your products. It helps to show the product in use, so your followers can visualize it in their own home or on their own computer. Don’t be overly salesy with these updates – just create interesting photographs and let them sell for you.

Present testimonials

One of the best ways to generate leads on social media is through other’s recommending your business. Instagram allows for 60-second videos to be uploaded to your stream. This is plenty of time for a fan to state how much they love your product!

Engage with followers

The number one rule of social media marketing – always be engaging. Don’t let comments or questions on your Instagram posts go unanswered. Follow the most engaged users and heart their photos regularly. Doing so makes people feel important, and they are more likely to become a lead for your business.

Utilize Instagram Live Stream

Live video is the way of the future – especially in online business. It’s a great way to generate leads, as well as show your followers you’re a real person. You are stepping out from behind the phone and showing yourself or your business to the world.

The topics of your live video can be about you, your business, or your products. Just think of it as a form of networking!

Use a personalized hashtag

To help keep track of the engagement you are getting on Instagram, create a hashtag for your business. Ask your fans to use this special hashtag anytime they share a photo related to your business. The hashtag may catch on and gain you more business than you could ever imagine.

Paid Instagram Ads

Of course, we don’t want to overlook the power of paid ads for lead generation. With these ads, you can target the users on the platform to ensure only the most interested people are seeing your photos. Direct the ads to the link in your profile – and include a link to a lead capture page so you can follow up with interested users later.

As you can see, Instagram provides a wealth of opportunity for lead generation. Overall, you want to treat your fans on this network like they are already customers – or better yet, your friends. Engage and provide value to convert the leads!


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