
JVZoo loves to celebrate the success of our Sellers and Affiliates!

All the hard work and determination needed to achieve the status of one of the Top Performers at JVZoo is deserving of special recognition. And so, we would like to share with you the Top Affiliates, Top New Affiliates, & Top Performing Products of the Month of July!

These people and products have earned a well-deserved July Shout Out! Congratulations to you all!

July Top 5 Affiliates:

  1. Todd Gross
  2. Igor Kheifets
  3. Sam Bakker
  4. Ricky Mataka
  5. Jono Armstrong


We’d also like to shout out some of our other top performing affiliates this month: Dr. Amit Pareek, Sorin Asaftei, Syed Akram, Martin Crumlish, VideoRemix (Dan Cumberland), Brett Rutecky, Paul Ponna, Bryan Winters, James Chase Bowers, Josh Ratta

Top 5 NEW Affiliates Who Have Made Their First Sale In The Last 90 Days:

  1. Koshi Seth
  2. Nick Fernandez
  3. Cristina Isabel Pacheco
  4. Manuel Perez
  5. Maxwell Poswal


And, These Are The Top Performing Products & Their Owners Who Trust Their Business With JVZoo:

  1. Viddyoze Template Club – Viddyoze
  2. Designa SuiteDr. Ope Banwo
  3. Instant ECom Funnels ProGlynn Kosky
  4. RankSnapTom Yevsikov
  5. Affiliate Titan X – Memeplex Limited

Some other great product launches we’d like to acknowledge:

If you don’t see your name or product here, don’t worry! We will be showcasing our top performing affiliates and products every month! So, keep your eye out and keep up the good work!

Together, we continue to build the best network for product owners and internet marketers.

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