Continuing with our JVZoo Interviews blog series, today we are speaking to Paul Counts. Paul is a movie producer, author, expert product creator and a Premium JVZoo User. Having earned a full-time income online since 2005, Paul has a plethora of knowledge to share about being an internet marketer. In today’s interview, he shares his favorite JVZoo features and how he began his internet marketing career.  

JVZoo: Hi, Paul! Let’s start with some easy questions. Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?

PC: Comedy movie because I believe everyone needs more laughter in their day! I also know that laughing counts. (See what I did there?) Laughing also burns calories which we all need if we work online!

JVZoo: Big Party or Small Gathering?

PC: Big party because there are more opportunities to visit and network with amazing people. And I like to drop a few dance moves here and there! So the bigger the audience, the better!

JVZoo: Loyal Friend or Rich Friend?

PC: A loyal friend for sure! It is hard to find loyalty these days. No amount of riches can make up for a loyal friend because loyalty counts!

JVZoo: What prompted you to begin your Internet Marketing career?

PC: At 14 I was a junior sales rep for a custom screenprint and embroidery company out of Spokane, WA, and I told the owner they need to get their own website domain so I could email the schools their project proofs. At that time my Hotmail attachment limit was 500 kb…lol! So they did get the website, and the owner said to me: “Alright Paul, you wanted the website, now you learn to market it!” So I did learn all I could about SEO and content marketing with press releases. That launched my career, and I kept pursuing it because I loved the freedom it gave me, and I only worked in corporate America for 8 months.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

PC: I would have started building my email list back in 2000 when I got started instead of waiting until 2007 to get going with that! You should always focus on building up your audience whether that is an email list or social media following. But I will say email is the preferred thing to build since you control that more than a Facebook or social media following.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

PC: My greatest success in my online career is that I was present for each one of my kids’ first steps, and I was at home for each of their important milestones! That is the power of an Internet business.

JVZoo: What is the #1 thing you would recommend people do today on JVZoo?

PC: Start using the funnel feature if you are not already using that, and I believe that over delivering counts so I will offer them one more suggestion. Leverage the JV feature where you can bring on partners for your launches, and also you can partner with people on your upsells. So you can have a good front end product and still put together a good funnel by partnering strategically with others. That JV feature works like a charm for all my partnerships.

JVZoo: Where can we find you online?


JVZoo: Anything else you’d like to add?

PC: Thank you for this opportunity! I greatly appreciate it, and it is a true honor!

JVZoo: Thank you for taking the time to share with us today and congratulations on all your success so far! We look forward to seeing more great things from you in the future!

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