Videos are powerful.

They have the ability to affect a person’s emotions and attitudes. AND they can influence someone’s decision to buy in a way that a sales page or email can’t.

As an affiliate marketer, your income depends on the purchases made by your followers.

So, reaching them in as many ways as possible should be a goal you’ve set for your business.

The more people you reach through your content, the more sales you make, right?

With videos being one of the hottest trends on the internet right now, it’s safe to say that they should definitely be part of your marketing strategy.

Even large companies are using them to increase revenue.

And believe it or not, creating some videos for your business isn’t all that hard.

Drag & Drop Your Way To Amazing Looking Videos!

Create almost ANY type of video, for any niche & topic in minutes…

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You don’t need to be an expert filmmaker or have a production company at your disposal, either.

If you want a simple, yet effective way to use videos right now…

You can boost your affiliate sales with product review videos!

Think about it…

When someone these days is considering making a purchase of any kind, they immediately start researching the product online.

And what are they looking for?


They want to know what the people who have actually purchased and used the product thought.

They want to see the product in action.

They want to see real-life results that aren’t part of a sales page or advertisement.

And that’s where YOU come in.

What You’ll Need:

  • A camera, tripod & decent lighting if you plan on being in the video
  • Powerpoint Templates if you want to do a slideshow.
  • A good microphone
  • Screencasting software
  • First-hand knowledge about the product. (You can’t give a review of a product you’ve never used!)

That’s pretty much it!

You can find our simple, cost-effective recommendations for video equipment in this post for making all kinds of videos, not just product reviews.

What To Say:

The best way to get an idea of how to create your own product review videos is to do some research on YouTube.

Find a product in the JVZoo Marketplace or Top Sellers List that you’d like more information on and search for it on YouTube.

product review videos

Watch a few product review videos & ask yourself these questions:

  • Did they answer your questions?
  • Did they help you understand what the product is and does?
  • Did they help you make a decision on whether or not to buy?

If so, great! Those videos did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Now, it’s your turn!

Think about those same questions when you create your own product review video.

Your goal is to give honest information about:

  1. What the product is.
  2. What the product does.
  3. Your personal results with the product.
  4. Your honest thoughts about the product.

Your video doesn’t need to be very long.

You can accomplish a lot in just a few minutes!

And, honestly, people have short attention spans. You don’t want your product review video to drag on and on! Your audience will lose interest.

Don’t forget your call to action!

The whole point of making this product review video is to make sales, so don’t forget to let your audience know where they can get it!

You can say something like, “If this looks like something that YOU need, click the link in the video description!

And of course, don’t forget to ADD the link to the video description.

One last thing to consider…

Your Video thumbnail.

YouTube does automatically generate a few thumbnails for you to choose from…

But, those are almost never the ones you want!

Better to be safe than sorry.

Head over to Canva and create one yourself.

product review videos

A video with a nice-looking thumbnail is sure to get more views than one that doesn’t and they’ve got lots of templates to choose from.

Product review videos are a great way to boost your affiliate sales.

Share them with your email list, on your social media accounts and wherever else you interact with your target market for more views, more sales and more income.

Looking for more ways to add video to your internet marketing strategy? Take a look at this blog post and these products from Premium JVZoo Sellers:

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