promote your affiliate link

You’ve finally gotten approval to promote your affiliate link to a great product you know your audience will love.

So you copy the link, head off to Facebook, create an amazing post, paste your link in and click ‘share’.

But, FB refuses to allow it to go through.

Frustrating isn’t it?

We get a lot of messages from new affiliates that are unsure how to promote their links without getting blocked on social media.

Facebook, especially, has a dislike of affiliate links and while this can be an inconvenience, there are ways to work around it.

Try some of the ideas below to promote your affiliate without worrying about it getting blocked and still use social media to make sales & earn commissions.

Use social media to build your email list.

Instead of linking directly to an offer, consider using social media to build your email list first.

Sure, it adds an extra step or two in the marketing process, but it is one that you’re going to want to implement anyway.

Get an autoresponder, choose or create a freebie to entice your audience to enter their contact details and create a squeeze page.

Then, you can promote your free offer on social media and use your list for selling.

Create blog posts that promote your affiliate product.

A blog is an excellent tool for affiliate marketers to use in order to generate leads and sales.

You can write your own sales copy or do reviews of products that you feel would help your followers with a strong call to action at the end.

You can even use your blog to build your email list.

Best of all, you can use social media to promote your blog posts and gain recognition of your brand and the products you are promoting.

Additionally, you can use SEO to increase your website traffic and get even more eyes on your content.

One way JVZoo uses this strategy is with our Product Of The Day interviews.

Create a bonus page for the affiliate products you offer.

Many successful affiliate marketers use bonus pages to set themselves apart from other people who are promoting the same product.

It is an excellent way to promote your affiliate link, stand out and increase sales.

Plus, instead of relying on an affiliate link that may be blocked by social media, you can instead promote your bonus page where potential customers will be able to view all the exciting and helpful bonuses you are offering for free when they purchase through your link.

Commission Gorilla is an excellent resource for creating attractive bonus pages that lead to more sales.

With a little bit of ingenuity, you can find ways to promote your affiliate link on social media without worrying about your posts getting blocked or marked as spam.

Using any of the methods above will allow you to harness the power of social media and increase sales and email subscribers as an affiliate marketer.

Need more help using social media to build your affiliate marketing business? Check out these products from our Premium JVZoo Sellers:


    • Hnd Keshri

      very useful post, expecting more stuffs about marketing on jvzoo will be very helpful.

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