It is time, once again, to aim the spotlight on one of our highly esteemed and successful users: Saurabh Bhatangar, a full-time marketer for six years. With so much experience under his belt, Saurabh has a lot of valuable information to share, including his secret to staying motivated.

JVZoo: Hi, Saurabh! Introduce yourself to our readers!

SB: I am Saurabh Bhatnagar, full-time entrepreneur for the last six years, co-founder of two companies – Geeko Computech Private Limited and Uprist Service Portal Private Limited. I am primarily known for my Facebook Ads skillset. I’ve run some unbelievably high ROI campaigns with ROI close to 5000%. I love sharing knowledge and helping people.

JVZoo: How did you become involved in affiliate marketing?

SB: I was learning the secrets of online marketing and got introduced to affiliate marketing during that period. So, I thought I’d try this as well. I started building my lists using my personal blog: The first campaign that I did fetched $242 in a single night. That was the most amazing feeling! And, yes, it was on JVZoo!

JVZoo: How long have you been working online?

SB: I’ve been working in bits and pieces for eight and a half years, working full time on the internet for six years.

JVZoo: What kind of obstacles did you have to overcome in order to pursue this method of earning income?

SB: A lot! The company which I co-founded as a 20-year-old went out of business. At the time I was 23. I had a debt of $15,000 on my head and certainly no clear path. Plus, I don’t come from a tech background. I am a physics honors graduate. But, that doesn’t matter if you are ready to invest the time and effort. So, I started learning online marketing, made a number of mistakes… All of them helped in going from strength to strength.

JVZoo: What is your preferred niche and how did you choose it?

SB: My preferred niche is Facebook Marketing and Web Saas. Both of them come naturally to me. Out of all the Facebook marketing projects I did in my early years, I brought way more than the expected results. And then this Saas planning came about quite nicely and naturally, too. Of course, being a marketer myself helps a lot. Since that gives me the ability to see things from a Marketer’s point of view and I understand easily what’s going to be accepted in the market.

JVZoo: What advice would you give someone who is just getting started as a vendor and/or as an affiliate?

SB: To affiliates: Build your lists! Set your daily targets. Bring in subscribers. Test your lead magnets. Add more and more of them. Go to Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Online Forums (basically everywhere) to drop in your links and attract relevant people to subscribe to your lists. Do it on a regular basis. Your list size will grow. That will be your biggest asset.

To starting vendors: Don’t directly start making your product. First, take advice from your industry mentors and senior marketers about whether the product idea is going to be acceptable or not. Once you have done your CROSS EXAMINING AND QUESTIONING, then go into the product creation phase. Although I do believe A LOT in the power of my instincts, I won’t advise you to go blindly into product creation since that takes time and money. You need to be sure.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

SB: The journey from product affiliate to product vendor was long. I would cut that short and go straight away into establishing myself as the vendor.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

SB: My biggest success in my online career is definitely the results I got for my eCom client. Those were very early days and I had never worked at such a premium level before where I could get a daily high spending budget. I was able to bring 1000% ROI every single day in a new eCom store.

Another one that comes to my mind very prominently is our first JVZoo launch, ‘Live Suite Pro’. We faced a number of hurdles in that launch, including DDOS attack, server downtime, affiliates questioning the authenticity of the product and a few more. We overcame all of them and did over $130,000 on JVZoo in the launch week alone!

JVZoo: How did you learn the ins and outs of internet marketing? Did you have a mentor?

SB: By practicing and failing a lot of times. Might seem like a deviated answer, but that’s the reality. My partner and I have tried and tested a lot of things. We have made our own systems that work for us. Nothing could have been possible without continuous testing and FAILING a number of times.

Watching videos, reading blogs and collecting information from a lot of places helped a lot. Gary Vee, I would say, was the one who ignited the spark within me.

If I talk about my learning specifically regarding JVZoo, my partnership with Gaurav Madaan, Jai Sharma & Gaurab Borah has helped. All of us have a unique skill set and having worked together, we have learned from each other a lot.

JVZoo: How do you utilize JVZoo in your affiliate marketing pursuits?

SB: JVZoo affiliate promos is the one thing that takes care of the major portion of our gross revenue. JVZoo is one tremendous platform that is seamless and provides equal opportunity to all.

JVZoo: What are you currently working on?

SB: I am working on improving our existing SAAS products, doing updates on them. Then, also coming up with new SAAS products. And, I just launched a detailed Facebook marketing training course of mine by the name ‘Timeline Domination’. I am quite eager to bring that on JVZoo really soon.

JVZoo: Where can we find you online?

SB: You can find me on my blog:

On Facebook:

On YouTube:

And in my group:

JVZoo: One last question: What is your favorite way to stay motivated?

SB:  I’m a motivated kid, myself. However, to get inspiration I go to YouTube to watch videos. The Goalcast Facebook page is also a good source of motivation.

The biggest inspiration anyways, are my set targets. They keep me going 🙂

JVZoo: Excellent insights, Saurabh! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and with our readers! We look forward to seeing even more great things from you in the future!


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Disclaimer: The information presented on this Website is intended to be for your educational and entertainment purposes only.

Where income figures are mentioned (if any), those income figures are anecdotal information passed on to us concerning the results achieved by the individual sharing the information. We have performed no independent verification of the statements made by those individuals. Please do not assume that you will make those same income figures.

Please do not construe any statement on this website as a claim or representation of average earnings. There are NO average earnings. Testimonials and statements of individuals are not to be construed as claims or representations of average earnings. We cannot, do not, and will not make any claims as to earnings, average, or otherwise.


    • Howard Boelky

      Awesome interview! I loved that he talked about failing so many times but never giving up. I believe that is the biggest hurdle. If you want it bad enough you will NEVER QUIT. Not until you’ve achieved what you set out to accomplish…tracking results and learning from mistakes is extremely important. If you’re not tracking and tweaking you’ll never get where you want to be. You’re basically shooting in the dark. Amazing interview, amazing man, every affiliate and vendor of JVzoo should read this article!

    • Marvelous

      How much do you make on JVZoo per day/month and How?

      • JVZoo Staff Writer

        That really depends on the person. We cannot guarantee any kind of results or earnings. That is totally dependant on the person who is doing the work.

    • Ryte Tips

      Hi JVZooe Team, I’m a new affiliate marketer. I want to earn money through affiliate marketing. Pls, guide me how do I start affiliate marketing business.

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