successful membership site

Owning a successful membership site is an excellent way to generate recurring income.

As long as you keep giving your members high-value content in exchange for their monthly membership payment, that income could keep increasing with every flipped page of the calendar.

So, what can you add to your membership site in order to keep your customers happy and coming back for more?

There are so many types of content you could choose from.

successful membership site

Try some of these out and see what your members enjoy the most.

Courses – Probably one of the most common types of content found in a successful membership site, online courses are in high demand.

If you’re teaching your members anything at all, consider creating an online course for them to learn at their own pace.

Regardless of whether it is something that can be learned in a few quick videos or a series of PDFs if you are providing up to date, relevant information that helps your members solve their problems, online courses are a great addition to any membership site.

Live Webinars – Webinars are all the rage right now and people are attending them in large numbers.

For some, it’s just an easier way for them to learn. Others may simply enjoy the more personal touch that a live webinar can bring to the table that a PDF or pre-recorded video does not.

Don’t think that you have to be the one in the spotlight all the time, either. You could hold live webinars where you introduce your members to other experts in your niche.

Not only do your members gain an extra helping of new information, but it also helps lighten up your own workload of content creation.

Masterminds – Giving your members the ability to ask you questions on a live Q&A call or webinar can be very beneficial.

For one, you are proving yourself as an authority and someone who can be relied upon to give good advice.

Two, It helps build that know, like and trust factor we talk so much about.

Membership Archives – If you’re adding any live content to your membership site, one of the drawbacks may be that people have to be there in real-time.

A great way to help those who aren’t able to attend at the designated time and date would be to put the recording of the live content into an archive.

You can do this for previous months’ content as well, which will help you build an excellent resource library that can even be included in a higher, more expensive membership level.

Unannounced Bonuses – People love surprises and getting an unexpected bonus when they log in to your membership site is one way to keep them happy.

Be sure, though, that the bonuses you are adding are just as high-quality as your regularly available membership content.

There’s nothing exciting about getting poorly written PLR that can be found elsewhere for free.

Downloadable Content – Being able to enjoy their membership while not being logged in to the membership site is a great advantage for many people.

Having downloadable videos, audios and other resources that they can access when they are away from their computer can be a big help to those who are busy and trying to learn on the go.

Some other downloadable content ideas might be apps, checklists, ebooks, worksheets, workbooks, or other printables.

Members Only Discounts & Coupons – As an affiliate marketer, you probably have a lot of other things to offer.

One way to make additional money from your membership site is to offer your members VIP discounts and coupons the same way you would for your list.

Make sure they are different from any other discounts you may be offering other places so that your members know they are getting special treatment.

Always keep in mind that a successful membership site doesn’t always stick to one type of content.

They offer a mix of different types of content to accommodate their members’ different preferences and learning styles.

If you’re really unsure what your members would like, simply take a poll and ask them their preferences.

And if you haven’t started your own membership site, but would like to, be sure to check out JVZoo Member, the all-in-one membership site builder built specifically for affiliate marketers.

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