We’re letting the cat out of the bag…

We spoke to Victory Akpomedaye recently and he let something slip…

When he’s not busy building his online business selling digital products on JVZoo he’s been snuggling up to a very interesting bed-fellow!

You may know him for his products HQWebinar, AdSmartly & ReachInfluencer, but get ready to learn a whole lot more!

In today’s interview, he talks to us about what books inspired him to become an entrepreneur, whose lists helped him understand the affiliate marketing process, and who (or what) he’s snuggled up to in bed at night!

JVZoo: Hi, Victory! Let’s start with a few easy questions: Swimming Pool or the Beach?

VZ: Beach. I like nature and the environment opens up my mind to natural sources of ideas.

JVZoo: Laptop or Desktop?

VA: Laptop, because it’s gives you flexibility. When you’re at the airport waiting to catch a flight or wherever you are, you can still get your work done on your laptop.

JVZoo: Bed & Breakfast or 5-Star Hotel?

VA: Bed & Breakfast… AND breakfast in bed! 95% of the time I fall asleep with my laptop beside me, especially right now as I’m not married yet. So, how much easier could it be to get my work started than to just grab my laptop & my breakfast without having to go anywhere to start the day?

JVZoo: What prompted you to begin your internet marketing career?

VA: First, I would say it was my desire for financial independence which emanated from reading certain books at an early stage of life – Rich Dad, Poor Dad; Think And Grow Rich; The Richest Man In Babylon, etc. They all actually influenced my mind towards entrepreneurship. So, I decided to learn a skill that would enable me to sell a service. I learned web design and that is the first thing that enabled me to make money online

As time went on, I started researching how to make more money and that is how I opted into the list of Ewen Chia, Gary Ambrose, and some others. From their emails and marketing processes, I got to understand the concept of internet marketing. I got started by making informational products, ebooks, and video tutorials in my local market. WOW! I did very well in my local market from 2010 – 2016. Then I decided to venture into the international market, all thanks to JVZoo where my first software launch was done. I had help from my first ever JV Partners, Danny Ade, and Neil Napier. Honestly, that was the beginning of a new phase in my internet marketing career. It gave birth to the quantum leap I needed to scale up my online business.

JVZoo: If you could start over, what would you do differently?

VA: If I were to start over, I would first focus on creating my own digital product so that I could quickly jump-start my buyers-list building process.

JVZoo: What has been your greatest success to date in your online career?

VA: Greatest success to date…. Hmmm. I would say it’s been seeing my digital products go on to generate six (6) figures in a matter of days. Basically, I break new grounds in my online career in various aspects daily.

JVZoo: What is the #1 thing you would recommend people do on JVZoo today?

VA: I would recommend that people launch their digital products on the JVZoo network as well as use their email marketing skills to earn money as an affiliate.

JVZoo: Where can we find you online?


JVZoo: Is there anything else you would like to add?

VA: I love JVZoo and especially want to show my appreciation to Laura Casselman (the CEO) and everyone in the organization for the honor to be featured in your interview series. Keep winning!

JVZoo: Thank you for taking the time to share with us today and congratulations on all your success so far! We look forward to seeing more great things from you in the future!

Are you interested in being interviewed and featured on our blog and social media channels? We’d love to share your story, insights, and advice! Let us know by filling out this form and we will be in contact with you soon!


    • Yusuf

      A very inspiration to me and my team.

    • Moses

      Very motivational and hoping to follow your footsteps as your student.

    • Elvis

      I would like to say that, the dude in Question deserves all the accolades….

    • Samson Oluwabiyi

      Congratulations bro; keep making Nigeria proud!

    • Edwin Copps

      Great work, Victory! You are an inspiration to so many of us around the world.
      Nice to read and learn more about you.

    • Christopher

      Wow. This is inspiring.
      Keep winning bro.

    • Kay

      Amazing…. Very inspiring. Keep winning.

    • Kelvin King

      I have known Victory from way back 2010, few years gone and no signs of his whereabouts.

      And now, he is all over the web with different digital products. Boom! Is the word.

      Hard work coupled with smart work really pays.

      Kind regards
      Kelvin King, TBIM.

    • samuel olorunda

      WOW! VA…you are great inspiration to many of us here back at home! We are proud of you!…

    • Ope Banwo

      Awesome interview. How do i go about applying for permission to reprint this interview with full attribution of course, on our mgazine Fearless Netpreneur Magazine?

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