You planned out your campaign, brought on JV partners, and recruited the best Affiliates. You painstakingly went through the process of creating your sales funnel and listing your product on JVZoo in time for your launch. Then… BAM! our Compliance Team flags it and you get an email stating ‘Disclaimer Missing’.

So, you hurry up and log into your JVZoo account and see a notice from JVZoo telling you that “You have products requiring attention. Please take action.”

Pretty frustrating, right?

We get it. We understand your frustration. We want to get your products approved and making sales as quickly as you do!

And honestly, the scenario above happens a lot.

So, let us help you avoid this situation altogether!

How does that sound?

Why in the world do you even need a Disclaimer?

One of the greatest things about online marketing is that people can feed their need to shop any time they want. There are no hours of operation to limit a sales funnel. You’re open for business 24/7.

The thing is, no matter what mode of advertising is used to sell a product, it must be done truthfully and without any form of deception. Printed advertising has the ‘small print’. Television and radio advertisements have their disclaimers spoken (really quickly) at the end of their commercials. And online, you MUST include a written disclaimer on your sales page.

The Federal Trade Commission is not kidding around about this. And, we want to keep you safely selling online for years to come. That’s why we have our Compliance Team in place – for your protection.

But, how do I make sure my disclaimer will pass a compliance check?

Great question!

When writing your disclaimer, follow these simple rules:

  • Your disclaimer should be written in the same style as the rest of your sales copy. Use the same font, same size, and same color.
  • If you are using a long-form sales page, place your disclaimers near the actual claims to which they relate. This may mean you need to put disclaimers throughout your sales copy.
  • Make sure your disclaimer is clearly visible on all devices from which your sales page may be viewed.
  • Use plain language that your customer can understand.
  • If possible, put the disclaimer(s) directly on your sales page. If you decide you MUST use a separate page for your disclaimer, the link must be clearly visible, labeled appropriately and work correctly.
  • Test on all browsers that the link to your disclaimer works. More times than ever the link is in the footer but is not linked properly. It may be going to another page, not linked at all or it is displaying an error page.
  • All claims must have documented proof to back them up.
  • If a viewer must scroll to see a disclaimer related to a particular claim, there should be something other than a scroll bar to indicate where they need to go to find it.
  • Don’t display your disclaimer in a pop-up.
  • If you are using a video sales page, you still need a disclaimer.

For more in-depth information about writing your disclaimer, please see this document:
.com disclaimers: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising

Why else might you get the ‘Disclaimer Missing’ email?

If your sales page violates any of the FTC’s guidelines, the JVZoo Compliance Team will flag it and send you a warning letting you know that there is a problem that needs to be fixed. It could be that your link isn’t working, that you’ve used a font that is too small, or even that the wording could be misleading. It may mean that there is no disclaimer at all when there needs to be.

Just know that there is something that could get you into trouble with the FTC and it needs to be fixed. Products that are flagged aren’t able to be considered for Product of the Day, so this is something that you’ll want to address right away. If, after reviewing your sales page and disclaimer, you still don’t know exactly what to do, you can always ask.

There are several ways to get a hold of a member of our compliance team:

  1. Use the text box on the checklist you complete when responding to a compliance issue.
  2. Request help in our Official JVZoo Facebook Group
  3. Submit a support ticket

“But how do you correct this issue if being flagged for a missing or broken disclaimer?”

To manage and correct any issue with your product, you’ll need to log in to your JVZoo account. Then you’ll need to click the link entitled “YOU HAVE PRODUCTS REQUIRING ATTENTION. PLEASE TAKE ACTION.”. That link is located directly above ‘Today’s Seller’s Snapshot’.

Once you have corrected any issues marked by the Compliance Team, you will be able to re-submit your product for approval and you are good to continue business as usual.


Please remember, the JVZoo Compliance Team is here to help you. It is our goal to ensure your sales pages are compliant with FTC Guidelines so that your business and livelihood are safe. There is no better time like today to review all of your current sales pages and disclaimers.


    • Abhi

      Hi there,
      Dont know where we need to add disclaimer, can you guide me on that or any link where i can add disclaimer?


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