Offering bonuses to your customers is a great way to increase sales. You improve the value to your product with every bonus you add, as long as they are equally helpful and complimentary to your main product.

Within JVZoo, both vendors and affiliates can offer bonuses with the products they are promoting. Let’s first take a look at WHY a bonus can be very helpful in your sales strategy.

Offering a Bonus for a Vendor

When you are the product owner offering a bonus with your product, you make it more difficult for your audience to click away from the sales page. First, they see the main offer, developed to solve a problem they have, which is great.

But then, they scroll further down your sales page and see your bonuses, designed to help them even more! It’s a no-brainer when they can get so much support and information in a single purchase!

Offering a Bonus as an Affiliate

Even if you aren’t the product creator, you can still offer a unique bonus for the customers who purchase through your link. This is a HUGE advantage for affiliates. Create a bonus that stands out in the crowd – this will mean more sales for you!

While others are offering a supplemental ebook, you could put together a quick video tutorial, which many may find even more helpful. When you are promoting a hot product within your niche, your amazing bonuses could mean more people buy through your link rather than another affiliate’s.

How to Offer a Bonus in JVZoo

Perhaps the best thing about offering unique bonuses, whether you are the product creator or an affiliate, is that you can have them automatically delivered to your customers by JVZoo.

Once you create the bonus, you simply upload it to the product you would like to include it with and you are done! Your buyer will be able to access the bonus as soon as their purchase is complete.

Vendors can add their bonuses within the download file for the main product, or in a separate one. You may also offer links to your bonuses on the download page for the main product.

For affiliates, you can access the Add Bonus button found on the Affiliate Bonus page under the Affiliates tab. More details on affiliate bonuses can be found on this JVZoo Knowledgebase page:



Offering bonuses is a great way to make more sales, whether you are the vendor or the affiliate. Create bonuses that will entice your audience and make them unable to resist hitting that buy button!

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