On the slight chance that you hadn’t noticed, we’ve recently made two small but IMPORTANT changes to our JVZoo checkout pages.

Customers are now able to see if the product they are purchasing is from a Premium Seller with the addition of our Premium Seller Badge prominently displayed under the checkout button.

And, customers are now able to see exactly who they are purchasing from with the Affiliate’s name and ID number listed directly under the ‘Terms of Sales’.

These improvements were made after several requests from JVZoo users and we feel that they were excellent suggestions that will help your customers feel more secure when making a purchase.

Soon, there will also be a new, orange checkout template designed specifically for JVZoo which will add even more confidence to your customers as they go through the checkout process.

Special thanks to those who came to us with their concerns and ideas for making the buying experience a less confusing and more pleasant event.



    • RS

      Is it possible to hide my affiliate name? I don’t like the fact for this private information to be revealed publicly.

    • frank

      the best way to market your products join us today

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