One popular way to entice people to give you their email address is to offer a valuable, relevant freebie pertaining to the topic they are searching for more information on. Stumped on what to offer? This article should help.

The item offered on your lead capture page should not be just a junk piece of content, but rather, it should be of the same quality as the products and services you sell to your subscribers.  The freebie received from your offer is most likely the very first piece of content a new subscriber will get from you. If it is of low quality there is a good chance that a new person on your list will figure that the rest of your content will be done just as poorly. Making a good impression right off the bat is extremely important and will be a big factor in whether new subscribers stick around or unsubscribe right away.

Not sure what to offer on your lead capture page to get new subscribers? Here are 5 ideas for free gifts to help you get started:

  1. Ebooks – Ebooks are probably one of the most given away products on a squeeze page. Make sure your ebook is well written, relevant to your niche, and provides the information promised in your copy.
  2. Videos – Some marketers have discovered the immense value of video marketing and are using it as a way to increase the size of their list. You can offer one video or a series of videos that are sent out to your subscribers over a period of days or weeks.
  3. E-Courses – Similar to the video courses that are drip-fed to your list over a period of time, e-courses are pretty much the same thing except in written form. Once the e-course is over you can then move on to other products that might interest and help them.
  4. Software – If you create any kind of apps, software, plugins, or other downloadable tools, giving one or more away might be the way for you to go. If you normally sell one of them but are offering it for free to new subscribers, it is an excellent way to make them feel as if they are getting extra-special treatment.
  5. Bundles – You might also put together several of the products mentioned above into one bundle to make a really worthwhile freebie for your new list members. This is one way to give them a sampling of everything you have to offer them in the future.

Getting new opt-ins is a very important part of making your online business or the online business of your clients successful. Try a variety of freebies to see which ones generate the most leads and remember to always provide your audience with valuable and worthwhile information.

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