You’ve done your research and chosen a niche that you love. Your blog is set up and has plenty of content. And now you’re finally ready to start to build your email list.

But where do you find people who will trust you enough to give you permission to email them?

In the first post in this series, we covered some email list basics. If you haven’t read that yet, you should! It will give you a better understanding of what an email list is and why they’re so important. Then, once you’ve completed the steps in that post, you’ll be all set up and ready to build your email list.  

For beginners, this can prove to be a little difficult. Unless you’ve already got a good amount of traffic flowing to your website or a ton of followers on social media, you may have to look outside of your own audience to get started. 

But, don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to do that! In fact, we’ve come up with 5 great ideas to help you build your email list from scratch:

  1. Utilize another marketer’s influence – No one can do everything at expert level. Chances are you can provide a service for someone with clout in exchange for a mention to their list. Know how to write a press release? What about making graphics? Whatever it is you have to barter with, use it! A recommendation from a trusted marketer can get your list off to a great start!
  2. Take advantage of guest blogging opportunities – Most sites that accept guest posts let you link back to your own site, at least within your author’s bio. This is an excellent way to gain visibility and credibility, not to mention increase traffic to your site and add subscribers to your list.

    Our Premium Users are given the opportunity to be showcased here on the JVZoo blog by taking part in our JVZoo Interview series. In this way, we both benefit. We get to introduce you to successful affiliate marketers who have achieved great success using the JVZoo affiliate platform. They get to tell their stories, gain more recognition and increase traffic to their websites.
  3. Create a product to offer as a bonus to another marketer’s launch – This is actually another way to leverage someone else’s influence in order to build your email list. The Seller is able to offer his customers an extra bonus for their purchase and in exchange, you get the chance to add to your list. Make sure that your bonus product is relatable to the Seller’s main offer before you approach them with a proposal, though. A good way to do this is to look at the JVZoo Launch List located in our member’s area.JVZoo Launch List
    The Launch List is a resource where you can view the most recent product launches on JVZoo. You can find it by going to ‘Product Library’ > ‘Launch List’.Another way to stay up to date on new product launches is to join the JVZoo Academy where you can find the top launch calendars.


  4. Become an Affiliate and use autoresponder integration with JVZoo – As an Affiliate, you can integrate your GetResponse autoresponder within the JVZoo system by clicking ‘Add Extras’ on any of your approved products. Affiliates may also integrate with Aweber using JVZIPN.

    how to build your email list from scratch
    This allows you to add customers to the list of your choice at the time of purchase. To learn more about autoresponder integration options for affiliates, please see this knowledgebase article.
  5. Create a product and launch it on JVZooIn a recent interview, Joshua Zamora gave some excellent advice to people just starting out online. He said, “Your first product doesn’t have to be some crazy, elaborate software. It can be something simple that solves a simple problem. Even if it only sells 10 copies, put it out there.”. And we couldn’t agree more!

Yes, it sounds like a lot of work. And it is! But, the time and effort you put into building your email list from scratch will prove to be one of the best investments you make online.

When you’re able to email targeted prospects and proven buyers, it gives you the ability to build lasting relationships and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Then, as you become a trusted source of valuable information you’ll see the magic happen. That’s when your prospects start looking for you when they’re ready to buy!

Need more help in building your email list?  Join the JVZoo Academy HERE, and check out these premium sellers on JVZoo:

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