5 Reasons Your Sales Page Isn't Converting

You rely on your sales page not only to act as a landing page when you promote your link, but to keep the lead there and convince them to buy the product or service you are offering. This is a big job, and one that often fails because of some very basic mistakes. If your sales page isn’t converting well, it might be because of one of these common reasons.

  1. Your Headline Isn’t Capturing Attention

This can never be repeated too much; you need to have a fantastic headline. Keep working on it until you have it just right. Have others take a look at the sales page with the headline and ask if it grabs their attention. It should not be just informative, though that is definitely part of it. The headline is selling your product and giving your lead a reason to stick around and read through the entire sales page so they know what to expect from the product. It should tell them the exact benefit of choosing that product or service. Unfortunately, it is easy to fall short and be too vague or not use the right wording that really holds onto their attention. If you are checking your stats and notice leads only stay on the page for a few seconds, it is probably due to the headline.

  1. Your Call-to-Action is Hard to Find

You probably know that your sales page needs a strong CTA, but it also needs to be easy to find. Instead of just having it at the very bottom of the page, use it throughout your sales page. To find the first CTA, it should not take your lead more than a few seconds to find it. Some leads decide if they want the product at the top of the page, some in the middle, and some at the very end. Make it easy for them to find the sign-up form or buy button, depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Make sure they know what to do and how to do it right away.

  1. You Aren’t Writing For Your Target Audience

By the time you start writing the sales page, you should already know who you are writing for, what they want or need, and what information they are searching for. Use this to your advantage by writing the sales page directly to them. You want to reach out to your target audience, be conversational, and show them all the ways they would benefit from what you are offering. Don’t be too broad, but really hone in on your core audience.

  1. Your Sales Page is Too Short

Before you make your first sales page, it helps to look at a variety of other pages and pay attention to what is included. Pay attention to the length of the page and how many different sections there are. This is not a traditional product page you would find on an eCommerce site, it is meant to sell a single product or service. If the product you are promoting has a high price tag, your sale page normally needs to be even longer and more in-depth.

  1. Only Use Real Testimonials

Not only is this against FTC guidelines, but most people can tell the difference between a real and fake testimonial. Some people will even look up the name and see if it matches the picture you have used. Affiliate marketers that don’t know better will use fake testimonials with fake names by using a generalized photo and made up text or video. This is a deceitful practice. That picture has probably been seen before by many of your leads, so it is best to give the product to a few people who will give you honest, genuine testimonials. This will make it obvious they are real by the way they phrase the testimonial in their own words.

Sometimes, you will need to tweak your sales page several different times in order to find what converts best in your niche. Don’t be afraid to make some changes, especially if you are having trouble getting people to take action and purchase your product or service.

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