Solo ads can be a very effective way to grow your online business if done correctly. The first step is to find a solo ad provider that will increase your lists, customer base, and reputation – rather than hinder any of these three.

Below, let’s look at the key points to consider when looking for a solo ad provider to do business with.

An ethical list builder

Many marketers who run solo ads are doing it with a list that’s been built for the sole reason of charging others for ads. These are not the providers you want to work with! You want to run an ad with a niche-related list that is somewhat engaged. Open and click-through rates should be reasonably high for you to spend your money.

Inquire about the tactics used to build the list, and the stats on engagement before you purchase the solo ad.

Good testimonials and reviews

Seeing that others have been happy with the business done with a solo ad provider can help you choose the right one to work with. Marketers are all about testimonials in their sales pages, and your providers should have a way to show you what previous customers have thought of their services.

Plus, negative reviews are more likely to be left than positive ones. Therefore, it’s imperative that you read through the opinions of others to see if there are any possible negatives to working with any solo ad provider.

Word of mouth recommendations

If you can’t find a solo ad provider that you feel comfortable working with on your own, seek the advice of friends and colleagues. Ask around, as there is bound to be someone in your circle who has used a solo ad provider for their own business.

Get recommendations for providers that you can benefit from when running a solo ad to their list.

Targeting the Appropriate Audience

You never want to run a solo ad to a generic list. It’s just not worth the money! Ensure the list of subscribers you will be running the ad to are interested in your niche or your offer. Don’t be afraid to ask the provider many questions about their list, so you can target the ad directly to the people who will be receiving it.

Focused on Buyer Lists

Even if you have a free offer you want to run a solo ad to, it’s better to only focus on a list of proven buyers. The subscribers have already been primed, and you know they have a credit card on hand for a purchase. When giving them a freebie, you can be setting them up to become a customer for your own business – especially if you add an OTO (one time offer) to the free opt-in.

Offering a Flat-Fee Placement

Running a per-click solo ad isn’t a good idea, nor is it a sound business investment. It’s better to seek a provider who allows a flat-fee placement for your solo ad. That way, the clicks can’t be tampered with in order to make the provider more money. It will be more authentic to pay one fee and see the type of engagement you get on the email ad.

Buying a solo ad is always a gamble, but it helps to find a quality provider to purchase the space from. Consider these six factors when choosing a solo ad provider so your results will be worth the investment.

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