A squeeze page is similar to a landing page, except it is not meant to get sales, but only to have people sign up for your mailing list. It is a simple page, but one that requires very specific elements in order to be effective. You can use a squeeze page builder or template, or follow these tips for creating your own page.

Step 1: Create a Good Lead Magnet

In order for your squeeze page to be effective, you need to give people an incentive to sign up for your mailing list. You do this by having a lead magnet, which is something you are going to give away in exchange for someone signing up for your mailing list. It is usually a digital product that can be sent after they sign up and confirm their email address. Depending on your type of internet business, this can be anything from an email course that is sent over the next several days to a free report or eBook.

Step 2: Write a Compelling Headline

In addition to giving away a free product, your squeeze page is also going to include a headline that captures their attention. Just getting to the squeeze page is only the first step, you also need to write a headline that will really give people a reason to stay and consider signing up for your email list. Write a headline that doesn’t just get their attention, but is logical according to your audience. It should help solve a problem your target audience might have, trying to target what they might be looking for. It also needs to make sense for your business and be related to the lead magnet you are offering in exchange for the email list sign-up.

Step 3: Include Any Testimonials You Have

This is an optional step, but one that people sometimes choose to include on the squeeze page. Include a few testimonials from previous people who have either used your lead magnet, bought a product from you, or signed up for your mailing list. The testimonials can be short, no more than a sentence or two talking about what they enjoyed from what you offer.

Step 4: Add Images or Video

Many squeeze pages include at least some type of image or video. Since you want a simple squeeze page that isn’t too complicated, keep this type of media to a minimum. If you have a video of yourself giving a brief presentation about the lead magnet or talking about what you can offer to anyone who signs up for the mailing list, don’t include any images as well. However, depending on the design of the page, you can include some images in the background to add color, design, and depth to the page. With video, make sure the person has to actually click the video for audio and that it doesn’t just play automatically.

Step 5: Make Sure There is a Clear CTA

Once you have completed the main body your squeeze page, you need to tell the visitor exactly what to do. While this might seem obvious, many people need that last bit of information to encourage them to enter their name and email address and sign up for the email list. The CTA can be as simple as “To get your free report, enter your name and email.”

Step 6: Use a Limited Number of Fields to Enter

Nobody wants to fill out 10 fields just to sign up for an email list and get a free report or eBook, so keep the fields minimal. You really don’t need more than just the name and email field included.

You may want to split test a couple different squeeze pages to see how effective they are. Play around with colors and fonts, wording, etc. Through a little bit of trial and error, you will soon find what works best for your target market.

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