If you aren’t utilizing the networking power of LinkedIn to grow your online business, it’s time you start! As a hub for professional affiliate marketers, bloggers, business owners, and product creators, LinkedIn offers lots of opportunities to make a name for yourself and explode your business.


Below, we will take a look at seven of the benefits LinkedIn can provide for you!


Make connections.


Because it is a social network, LinkedIn is great for networking. You can easily find others in your niche, or those that would be great to collaborate with in the future. It also helps you find suppliers, advertisers, and other resources to make building your business easier.


Build authority.


On LinkedIn, you can create a trustworthy name for yourself and your business. By sharing content in your groups and on your profile, you establish yourself as a knowledgeable expert in your field.


Create a “resume”.


LinkedIn allows you to craft a profile that includes your previous education, skills, experience, and projects. Other users can leave glowing recommendations for you, which appear right there on your profile. This helps to expose your abilities and talents to others that may be looking for services or products that you offer.


Even when interacting with someone not on LinkedIn, you can share your profile link so he/she can see just how well you know the niche you have specialized in.


Share your blog posts.


Gain traffic to your content by sharing your posts in groups and on your LinkedIn profile. Content marketing is one of the most powerful methods for growing your online business, and LinkedIn offers many opportunities to get your articles out there for others to see.


It will also help you drive traffic back to your business blog or website, provided you strategically place links throughout your content.


Grow your business in the groups.


As mentioned previously, LinkedIn groups contain a treasure trove of opportunity for an online business owner. Establish yourself as a helpful resource in groups related to your field.


Create a group around your brand so that others can stay up to date on the information and products you have to share. This community building can benefit you tenfold down the road!


Contact others in your industry.


Struggling to find the right leader, manufacturer, or other people in your niche? Check out LinkedIn! With the connections feature, you can send an email out to 50 people at once. This saves you the headache of scouring Google for email addresses and the right contact person.


Stay up to date.


Keeping yourself and your business in the know on the latest and greatest products, tech, and other gadgets is vital when you are primarily online. The Internet is changing rapidly, and what works today may not work next week. Something better is always coming along!


LinkedIn keeps you up to date on everything you need to know about your business. Through the statuses, articles, and groups, you can rest assured you will know all about the newest topics as they arise!


For anyone not currently using LinkedIn to grow your business, now is the time to get started! Create a thorough profile that will help you connect, network, and build a profitable online business!

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