7 Smart Tips For Making Your New Year Goals

With the new year approaching, many people are planning out ways to make 2017 their best year yet. Some people have seen great success in their lives and businesses, others have had things a bit rougher. If you struggled to achieve your goals in 2016, you may have made some mistakes in the way you set them in the first place. Here are some smart tips for goal-setting that can help you see many more successes in the New Year:

  1. Make Your Goals As Specific As Possible – If your goals are too vague, or contain uncertainties, it will make them extremely difficult to achieve them. Make your goals as specific as possible with a clear outcome in mind.
  2. Make Your Goals Clear, Concise & Measurable – There is a huge difference between setting a goal to ‘lose weight’ and setting one to ‘lose 10 pounds by Easter’. The same can be said of a goal to ‘make more money’ vs. one to ‘make $1000 by February 1st”. The point set to obtain your goal should be clearly established.
  3. Make Them Personal – Many people set goals for themselves that are actually inspired by others. While someone else’s goals or resolutions can be useful to inspire ours, when we make personal goals that speak to our own desires, we are much more likely to achieve them. Think about what you want; what your desires are and what is meaningful to you in order to increase your success.
  4. Be Optimistic, Yet Realistic – Often, individuals set themselves up for failure by making goals that are next to impossible. Goals that are extremely difficult are less likely to be realized. A smart thing to do would be to take a larger goal and break it down into smaller segments that can be more easily achieved. This will help keep you from becoming discouraged and quitting before you reach your ultimate destination.
  5. Challenge Yourself – Just as one can make goals that are too difficult to attain, they can also derail themselves by making ones that are much too easy. If you made $5000 in affiliate sales last year a goal of making $5010 in the new year would be silly. Choose goals that inspire you to work harder without overwhelming yourself to the point of throwing in the towel.
  6. Let Others Know What You’re Up To – Keeping your goals a secret may seem like a good idea, but it also makes it easier for you to quit. When others know what you are up to, you will be inspired to show them that you really can do what it takes to be successful. Allow others to motivate you, cheer you on, and celebrate your achievements as you reach them!
  7. Stay Motivated – Feed your mind daily with positive reinforcement, whether that be through audio, video, reading material, or mastermind sessions with others on the same path as you. Find mentors who have already done what you’re setting out to do and listen to the advice they have to give. Fight off the temptation to quit and any negative influences that come your way and have faith in yourself.

These tips are a great guide to setting and achieving your goals for the new year and can have an enormous impact on your ability to accomplish your objectives. Not only will they assist you in attaining your goals, but they will help you avoid and overcome challenges along the way.

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