Blogging is one of the best ways to promote affiliate programs. You can use your blog to drive traffic to your affiliate links, build trust with your audience, and generate leads for your business. Most businesses are aware of simple ways to promote affiliate programs like adding an affiliate link in your blog content. In this post, we’ll cover some innovative and often overlooked ways to promote affiliate programs with your blog.

1. Create a free resource and add your affiliate links

One of the best ways to get affiliate sales is to create a freebie for your audience. This could be an e-book, a mini-course, or even just a cheat sheet. When you create a free resource for your audience, they will likely need to purchase some kind of tool to help solve their problem. This is a great opportunity to add your affiliate links to get sales. Since you’ll be providing value to your audience with your freebie, they’ll be more likely to trust your affiliate links and make a purchase.

This is one of the best ways to promote affiliate links and you’ll have the opportunity to add more people to your email list. With a freebie, your audience will sign up via email, access your free material and click on your affiliate links. Since your audience is now on your email list, you can create more free products and guides for them in the future and continue to add your affiliate links in your content. Use a suitable email editor to create and send engaging content to your email list. 

2. Exit intent popups

Exit intent popups are a great way to capture the traffic coming to your page. For most sites, visitors come to a specific page, consume content and leave without taking any action. With an exit intent popup, you can show a special offer or affiliate link to visitors when they are about to leave your site. This gives you a chance to convert a fraction of your visitors into affiliate customers. 

Exit intent popups work well when they are very relevant to your niche.  For example, if you have a blog about cooking, you could show an exit intent popup with a special offer on cookware. If you have a blog about travel, you could show an exit intent popup with a special offer on travel gear. The key is to make sure the offer is relevant to your audience and this will improve your conversions dramatically. 

3. Add affiliate links to your resources page

The resources page on blogs is a commonly overlooked affiliate marketing opportunity.  On most sites, the resources page is a static page that contains a list of helpful links and resources. The audience of a website typically visits this page to get helpful links that can also help solve their own problems. This is a great opportunity to add helpful recommendations for your audience and add affiliate links.

For example, if you have a blog about blogging, you could add a resources page with affiliate links to the best blogging tools. This can be the hosting provider you use, different SEO tools, your email newsletter provider, etc. When someone clicks these links and makes a purchase, you can get a commission. Adding affiliate links in the resources page will not make an immediate impact, but you can generate a lot of sales over time as your traffic increases


4. Add affiliate links in tutorials

Tutorials are one of the best types of blog content to add links to. Many bloggers often focus on transactional posts to add links to, but tutorials can be just as effective at driving affiliate sales.  With tutorials, you can show your audience how to use a specific product or service and add affiliate links throughout the process. 

For example, if you’re writing a tutorial on how to sell on instagram, you can add affiliate links for specific services like Instagram ads, different Instagram software and more. These are actual tools that your audience will use, so it’s a great opportunity to get a commission from them.

If your blog has a lot of tutorial content, this is a great opportunity to add some affiliate links to generate more revenue. Adding just one affiliate link won’t do much, but it will compound as you create a library of tutorial content that helps your readers and generates more revenue for you. 

5. Place affiliate banners across your website

Placing affiliate banners on your site is an often overlooked affiliate marketing tactic by most site owners. An affiliate banner can be placed in the footer, side, or in your content. You can choose the most relevant affiliate offer or your most lucrative one and place them across your website. This will get a lot of traffic, clicks, and potential sales. You can embed your affiliate code in the banner, so whenever someone clicks your affiliate code, you can still get your affiliate commission.


You can improve the conversion rate of your affiliate banner by adding an offer for your readers. It’s very easy for users to skip and ignore your affiliate banner, so having something of value is key to getting clicks. Some affiliate programs will give users their first month free or something similar. Make sure to add that to your copy for your affiliate banner to drive more sales.

These are just a few ways that you can leverage affiliate marketing to monetize your blog better.  Adding one or two of these tactics to your affiliate marketing can significantly improve your conversions and affiliate sales. To learn more ways you can monetize with affiliate marketing, check out this blog post.

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