Writing copy for your sales page can be difficult and the mistakes that a new affiliate marketer can make may end up costing them dearly. One thing to avoid when writing sales copy is coming off as bossy and uncaring.

Here are a few ways to write successful copy without sounding pushy:

1. Too Big of a Sales Pitch

Never ever make your content too strong. This is mistake commonly found not only in the real world but in the world of internet marketing as well. Everyone knows that a salesman who is pushy can be irritating and make you not want to purchase the product at all. If you do this on your web copy, you could run the risk of running potential clients off instead of to your business. Make sure you use your common sense and consider how other people will react to the copy.

Never make false claims about your product or service in your sales copy. A reader who thinks that a product sounds too good to be true is usually going to run the other way and assume that you are trying to get money for nothing or accuse you of running a scam. Always go for the most accurate description as possible.

Avoid over exaggeration and make sure that you show your customers how your product could benefit them without sounding like a salesman. The more informative your copy is, the more likely your reader will be to believe you.

2. Writing in the First Person

Many people make the mistake of writing their copy in the first person. When a reader comes onto your site they do not care about you – the author. They do not care about how you feel about your product, they just want straightforward information that they can use.

When you write your copy, it should talk directly to your readers. Make sure that your writing is engaging and refrain from using the “I” perspective. Always use “you” instead of “I” and this will help your reader to relate to the website while not having to deal with a first-person perspective. This simple act will help increase volume to your website.

3. Lack of Knowledge

Stay away from writing reviews on a product or a business that you have no information about. People looking at your review will want to know that whoever is writing the copy actually knows what they are talking about.

Before you ever begin writing, always make sure that you do proper research into the service or product that you are selling. Make sure that you include how the product or service would benefit the reader. Include as much information as possible, so that your readers are very well informed.

If you are doing your web copy on a company, do not just get information that you would find on a normal internet search. Call or email the company and get a sample of the product they offer. This way you can give your readers a bird’s eye view as to what services or products the company offers and how they work.

Once you know about the company’s products first hand, it will make it easier for you to write true statements about that company which will further increase your chances of catching the attention of your reader.

Remember, always be as accurate as you can, and do not try to give the products you are writing about more credit than they deserve. You may think this will help you, but it is detrimental.

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