Ok, Millenials…

Forbes points out that your entire approach to work is much more transient than any previous group of people that have gone before you.

We get that millennials overall play by a totally different set of rules:

  • You are ok with the fact that life is full of relentless and unpredictable change.
  • You are constantly in a state of stretch and growth.
  • You strive to maintain authentic values, mission, vision, and purpose.
  • You understand how to look at the big picture and that meaningful work matters.
  • You want to be yourself and bring your full skill set to the table.

The internet marketing industry and entrepreneurship overall allows you the remarkable opportunity to do all of these things. It’s an industry that allows for a great deal of time freedom if you are willing to put in the focused work.

So, if meaningful authenticity matters, it should be pretty easy to stick to good ethics when it comes to your sales copy.

And, in today’s climate of change and PayPal’s insidious assault on some people’s accounts, practicing good ethics in your sales copy is a must.

Let’s face it.

We all want to work towards that sensational lifestyle where we can do whatever we want when we want without panicking about the next paycheck. Travel to exotic destinations. Drive that mind-blowing car.

So, what’s the fastest way to get there?

It’s NOT in any get-rich-quick scheme.

You CAN be an overnight success…but it’s going to take a lot of work to get there.

If you really want to find staggering success… focus on learning how to:

Write ethical, yet persuasive sales copy.

That phrase jumped out at me when I was reading Nick James’s book, Six Figures a Year in Info Publishing. Nick has seen spectacular success in the world of info publishing and internet marketing and he agrees that ethical and authentic sales copy is part of the recipe for long-term success.

We’ve talked about the FTC rules for compliance and what a Get-Rich-Quick scheme looks like in other articles. We also looked closer at PayPal’s user agreement in another article.

So, now that you know the rules, how do you win the game?

Writing sales copy that sells is an art unto itself. Some people take years to master this skill. But the truth is that writing strong sales copy is a skill that can be learned.

Here are a few tips on writing great copy:

  • Keep it simple. Use small words. Use short sentences. Avoid long paragraphs. Imagine a 4th grader will read your sales copy. Try not to over-complicate it. Write like you talk…with passion.
  • Focus on the reader and THEIR results. Screenshots of your results or other people’s results could get you a red flag from PayPal. Avoid that! Use the magic of showing what your product or service can DO for the reader. Focus on the BENEFITS of your product or service rather than the features.
  • Face fear head on. The reader is already afraid to part with their money. They are already afraid of failure and they are feeling vulnerable. Show them how they can succeed…with the help of your product or service.
  • Hit them in the feels. If you have created a product that solves a problem, then you know how it feels for someone looking for that solution. Play to those emotions. Let them know you understand how they feel: frustrated. And, remind them that they will be back in the land of frustration if they don’t jump on your offer.
  • Give them an easy next step. People want to be guided into what to do next. Make your call to action clear and simple.

You got this.

Just get started writing without over-thinking it. Test your copy out. Send it to a few well-respected buddies and get their honest opinion. It’s especially effective to send your sales page to someone who is NOT in your industry, so you have an unbiased opinion on whether or not your sales copy makes sense. Ask if it is compelling and gets them interested.

Just remember: be authentic.

But, you already knew that…it’s who you are.

Need more tips on how to create a tantalizing sales page that converts?

Check out THIS interview with Luke Maguire on how he successfully crushes his launches, the latest of which is an Instagram and Facebook Stories tool called Storymate.

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