As you are likely already aware, a landing page is a page on your website or blog that directs people who have clicked on a link. While often used when adding a link with a sidebar or Facebook ad, the link can come from anywhere. The landing page is essential in online marketing campaigns, and often what causes someone to either continue with your CTA and sign up or purchase the product, or close the page and never think about it again. For a successful landing page, avoid making these common mistakes.

Not Making the CTA Button Stand Out

One of the most important elements of your landing page is naturally the CTA button. Whether this is a button for people to purchase a product or sign up for your newsletter, it needs to be clear, obvious, and stand out. If the reader gets to the bottom of your landing page and have no idea what is expected of them or how to find that magical button, they will leave and never return. You can lose a lot of valuable leads this way. Make sure you have a clear CTA and that they understand exactly what to do next. If you’re not sure, have some friends click on the page and see how long it takes them until they know what the next step is.

Failing to Follow a Cohesive Order

While this does depend on the type of landing page you have, it helps to have the information provided in a logical order. Many landing pages will tell a story, starting with the introduction, leading into the problems people often have to overcome, and ending up with the way to solve that problem. Don’t try to jumble too much information on the page that seems to be all over the place. Before you get the page set up, decide how you want the information outlined and in what order makes the most sense.

Simply Stating the Offer Instead of the Value

Anyone can create a landing page that talks about an offer in an attempt to get sign-ups or sales, but this often results in bad conversion rates. If you want to take your readers to the next step and give them a reason to click your CTA button, then you need to tell them why they need this product or service. From the very beginning of the landing page, you should be able to identify their problem and show why you are going to help solve their problem. Make sure you are providing value, whether it is an eBook that explains a simplified way to do something they are struggling with or an opt-in form so they can get all the latest updates in your niche. No matter what it is, let them know you are there to help.

Not Being Clear What the Purpose Is

A very common mistake made when drafting landing pages is not actually saying, flat-out, what the purpose is. You might have great back stories and even be providing value for their problems, but are you telling them what they will get? If it is an opt-in form for an email list, explain what types of emails, what is included, and why they should sign up. If you are trying to get them to purchase something, be very specific with what they are going to get.

Having a Complicated Opt-in Form

The opt-in form should be easy to find and easy to fill out. Don’t have a complicated form that asks more questions that is really necessary. All they should have to add is their name and email address. Get rid of all the other questions, such as their address, phone number, type of business they are in, or how they found you. Signing up for a newsletter needs to be as simple as possible.

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